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tgep April 13th, 2011 07:48 PM

Re: Space: Above and Beyond - What is it?

Originally Posted by RedEyes (Post 265445)
I thought it was more like the newer BSG than SG1 in the first place. Had a gritty dark side, but filmed without the hand cam technique. Enjoyed it a lot, it's next to firefly to me as the one season shows I wished had gotten another shot.

Well, with hollywood having no real talent for creating anything new that's actually worthwhile, there's at least a 50/50 shot of the show getting remade. :bounce:

evil_genius_180 April 13th, 2011 09:23 PM

Re: Space: Above and Beyond - What is it?

Originally Posted by tgep (Post 265447)
Well, with hollywood having no real talent for creating anything new that's actually worthwhile, there's at least a 50/50 shot of the show getting remade. :bounce:

The problem is that there are probably new things submitted in Hollywood all the time but the studio execs do a risk/reward assessment and feel it's not worth it, so they go with "safe" things that are similar to what has been done before or remakes. It's pretty sad.

tgep April 14th, 2011 06:51 PM

Re: Space: Above and Beyond - What is it?
Can you imagine how good the show would be if they got ahold of some good writers ( NOT the hacks from SGU :mad: ) , used todays CGI FX, and recast thye show with actors who are actually Marine Corp veterans ?

:smiley: They could litteraly blow away all competition. :rotfl:

evil_genius_180 April 14th, 2011 07:39 PM

Re: Space: Above and Beyond - What is it?
I don't know if a bunch of jarheads would make a good cast or not. However, a Marine Corps. Drill Sergeant might be in order. After you sign some actors, hand them over to the Drill Sgt. for a boot camp-ish training schedule, let them get a feel for what it's really like to be in service. If anybody complains, send them packing and sign somebody else. Also, you'd have to have at least one former jarhead attached to the writers, not necessarily as writer but as a technical expert who could make sure they got the military stuff right. You have to worry about details like that if you really want a show or movie to work.

I was in the US Army and I hate it when they get military stuff wrong in shows and movies. I watched 3 or 4 episodes of The Unit before I realized their writers sucked and that clearly nobody who had been in the Army was involved in that show. After that, I stopped watching.

Though, I don't remember S:aAB and I don't remember how good the military aspects were. (besides, that was long before I joined the Army)

Darrell Lawrence April 14th, 2011 10:42 PM

Re: Space: Above and Beyond - What is it?
The military aspects were pretty good in S:AaB, and the show was in the future. The military won't be the same as it is now, just like now the military is different than say... WWII.

evil_genius_180 April 14th, 2011 10:53 PM

Re: Space: Above and Beyond - What is it?
Yeah, you've gotta account for the Sci-Fi aspects. As long as they don't do anything too blatantly bad like major chain of command violations or anything. (which won't fly in any era) There will be a lot of policy and method changes between now and then. A lot of the stuff that mostly annoys me in Sci-Fi military stuff is things like bad tactics. There's no call for stuff like that when all you need is to do a little research.

One thing I love about Firefly is that it's definitely non-military. It's just normal(ish) people living their lives in space. There aren't a whole lot of space shows like that.

Jedman67 April 15th, 2011 09:12 AM

Re: Space: Above and Beyond - What is it?

Originally Posted by evil_genius_180 (Post 265463)
One thing I love about Firefly is that it's definitely non-military. It's just normal(ish) people living their lives in space. There aren't a whole lot of space shows like that.

there was starfighter 2300. kinda like a lame, canadian knockoff of firefly

evil_genius_180 April 15th, 2011 09:23 AM

Re: Space: Above and Beyond - What is it?

Originally Posted by Jedman67 (Post 265472)
there was starfighter 2300. kinda like a lame, canadian knockoff of firefly

You mean Starhunter? (the second season was called Starhunter 2300) I've watched a couple episodes on Hulu, it's not too bad. It's no Firefly but it's entertaining.

I know there have been non-military space shows, there just aren't a lot. Lost in Space wasn't exactly military either.

Darrell Lawrence April 15th, 2011 09:32 AM

Re: Space: Above and Beyond - What is it?
Earth2 wasn't military either.

Jedman67 April 15th, 2011 09:39 AM

Re: Space: Above and Beyond - What is it?
starhunter, yeah. i couldnt get through the second episode, it was too weird

evil_genius_180 April 15th, 2011 10:13 AM

Re: Space: Above and Beyond - What is it?
Earth 2 was mostly on a planet, wasn't it? I was referring to ships flying through space, exploring or whatever. I never watched it but that's the impression I got from the limited info I found on the show. I wish Hulu would get more of these older shows, especially the ones that did a season or less, so that I could watch them and see how they are. It would be awesome if they had Space: Above and Beyond but they don't.

Yeah, Starhunter is just OK, though I'll probably watch at least a few more before I decide if I like it or not. So far, the characters don't seem as dynamic as they do on other shows like Firefly. But that might change. In fact, I'll probably watch another episode later. That's the beauty of Hulu, I can watch when I want. :D

Darrell Lawrence April 15th, 2011 10:30 AM

Re: Space: Above and Beyond - What is it?
Earth2 was planet-bound, yes, but not much different than the "planet of the week" scifi shows.

And it had aliens.. well... natives to the planet, but alien to us.

tgep April 15th, 2011 08:52 PM

Re: Space: Above and Beyond - What is it?

Originally Posted by evil_genius_180 (Post 265459)
I don't know if a bunch of jarheads would make a good cast or not. However, a Marine Corps. Drill Sergeant might be in order. After you sign some actors, hand them over to the Drill Sgt. for a boot camp-ish training schedule, let them get a feel for what it's really like to be in service. If anybody complains, send them packing and sign somebody else. Also, you'd have to have at least one former jarhead attached to the writers, not necessarily as writer but as a technical expert who could make sure they got the military stuff right. You have to worry about details like that if you really want a show or movie to work.

I was in the US Army and I hate it when they get military stuff wrong in shows and movies. I watched 3 or 4 episodes of The Unit before I realized their writers sucked and that clearly nobody who had been in the Army was involved in that show. After that, I stopped watching.

Though, I don't remember S:aAB and I don't remember how good the military aspects were. (besides, that was long before I joined the Army)

That's not a bad idea either, except the Marine Corp doesn't have Drill Sargents. We have Drill Instructors.

tgep April 15th, 2011 08:56 PM

Re: Space: Above and Beyond - What is it?

Originally Posted by Warrior (Post 265462)
The military aspects were pretty good in S:AaB, and the show was in the future. The military won't be the same as it is now, just like now the military is different than say... WWII.

Things change ... but you build on the lessons learned from the past. Side note. The Marine Corp Class A uniform is almost the same as it was in WW-II. The technology would be diffrent sure ... but to make the audience familiar with a lot of aspects, a lot would be based on current tactics and procedures.

evil_genius_180 April 15th, 2011 09:34 PM

Re: Space: Above and Beyond - What is it?

Originally Posted by tgep (Post 265483)
We have Drill Instructors.

Yeah, sorry, big difference. :tongue:

I'm lucky if I remember the proper terms for Army stuff, let alone stuff from a branch of service of which I've never been a member (which is why you won't see me out there writing military novels. ;))

tgep April 17th, 2011 09:58 AM

Re: Space: Above and Beyond - What is it?
LOL, no worries.

Auditor June 14th, 2011 01:21 PM

Re: Space: Above and Beyond - What is it?
I loved Space Above and Beyond. Was so good. Well for a sci fi starved audience. I think it could have been great. Loved the Hammerhead design. Cancelled way too soon. Was so glad when it came out on DVD.

I liked Earth 2 thought it got cancelled to soon also. The little girl was good she was played by Madison Wright Morris. She had a heart disease in real life and had a heart transplant. She died when she was 21 from a heart attack. Very sad.

evil_genius_180 January 8th, 2012 09:57 AM

Re: Space: Above and Beyond - What is it?
I got Space: Above and Beyond disc 1 from Netflix yesterday and I really like it. I watched all of the episodes on the disc last night and now I'm looking forward to disc 2. :)

I watched some of the episodes back in 1995, but I remembered very little about it. I mostly remembered Hawkes being different somehow, (though, I didn't remember his name) having something on the back of his neck and being sent into the military by a judge. That's basically all I remembered. It's too bad the series didn't do well in 1995, because it has a big cult following now. In fact, it has an 8.0/10 user rating on IMDb. I would say I wish they'd bring it back, but they'd probably mess it up if they did.

Auditor January 16th, 2012 01:45 AM

Re: Space: Above and Beyond - What is it?
I was very disappointed when SAAB was cancelled. Was one of my favorites.

How far along in the series are you now?

I think if given the chance it would have been great it was really staring to get its wings. I think the CG would have gotten better. The hammerheads looked great the space carrier USS Saratoga was not the best CG model. But for its time and for a weekly show it looked pretty good.

evil_genius_180 January 16th, 2012 10:06 AM

Re: Space: Above and Beyond - What is it?
I've watched two of the five discs now. The last episode I watched was the two-parter where the 58th uses the Chig ship to infiltrate their space and winds up being captured and having to escape. I'm on the single disc plan from Netflix, so I can only get one after I send one back. Plus, I had to take a break and get Rise of the Planet of the Apes last week (it was finally released on Netflix.)

I'm really enjoying Space: Above and Beyond. It's got a really nice edgy, gritty feel to it. The CGI is really great for the time, better than Babylon 5 was in its first season. The Saratoga was OK, what really needed some work were the Chig ships, but we'll never know what might have been as it was cancelled. S:AAB was nominated for tow Primetime Emmys for its music and visual effects.

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