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gmd3d October 22nd, 2008 11:47 AM

Re: Free 3D Programs "To which to learn with"

Originally Posted by evil_genius_180 (Post 256518)
I used to carry an M4 when I was in the Army. :laugh: :D :nervous: :shock: :tongue: :nonono:


ah ha I use to carry The Super Soaker – Aqua Master Krypton

evil_genius_180 October 22nd, 2008 11:56 AM

Re: Free 3D Programs "To which to learn with"
I also carried an M240B machine gun (like an M60 but by a different manufacturer) for a while but that was mostly just to terminate with extreme prejudice. :cylon:

Fretslayer October 22nd, 2008 02:25 PM

Re: Free 3D Programs "To which to learn with"
Well, Kai I guess I am totally twisted! LOL!
I've suspected that was the case for quite some time now! :D

I've used everything from Bryce v.1 through v.5, Max v.4 through v.9 and Lightwave v.7 through v.9 and Carrara Pro 6 is the one that works with the way I work.

Perhaps it's because I approach animation less as a modeler and more like a film director.
There are things I can do in Carrara in under 5 minutes that takes me hours to do in Lightwave or Max and it's not because I suck in either of them - it's because I have to fight their interface to get where I need to go.

I guess it's all just a matter of what you're used to and how you approach your art.
With both Max and LWO never finished a single animated project.
With Carrara Pro 6 I make an animated short film about every two weeks or so.
I have one comin' down the pipe right now that with luck should be available in about two months. It's running time will clock in at 35 minutes and I need to get with my voice actors for the dialogue. The more voices I have in the short the longer it takes me to animate it. The best thing about my friends who do the voice work is that they work for beer...Good thing I brew my own! LOL!

Taranis - there is a 30 day demo available for the program. Much cheaper than the $500.

gmd3d October 22nd, 2008 02:39 PM

Re: Free 3D Programs "To which to learn with"
I had great difficulty with Truespace 3.2 and 5....... and thought it to be worthless ..
That was until I saw what EvilGenius180 and a few others has been able to do. I could not model a box .. well I could only because its simple.. I have long since changed my opinion regarding TS ..:)

it depends on how you approach your work. Like Fretslayer said he coming from a director me I work like a modeller and less like an artist which is how I started .. with LW

and always I find it more difficult jumping between Modeller and Layout (the art bit)

Fretslayer October 22nd, 2008 03:07 PM

Re: Free 3D Programs "To which to learn with"
I honestly envy you guys with the killer modeling skills.
My modeling is pretty basic IMO but it's because I've only developed it enough to be able to tell a story. My animations were never about my modeling ability but story.

Well, with one exception - I did a Godzilla spoof that was designed to look like one of those old 'Rankan/Bass' Christmas specails (like Rudolph or Frosty) - My goal with my modeling was to make it look cheasy and awfu. I was most successful. LOL!!!

UrbanArmitage October 22nd, 2008 11:51 PM

Re: Free 3D Programs "To which to learn with"

Originally Posted by evil_genius_180 (Post 256526)
I also carried an M240B machine gun (like an M60 but by a different manufacturer) for a while but that was mostly just to terminate with extreme prejudice. :cylon:

LOL! Yeah that's about the finesse of a half-brick! :)

Michael 4 (M4) is the first Daz3D adult male figure to come without anatomically correct genitals, so you could say that your M4 had more lead in it's pencil than Daz's EG. :D


evil_genius_180 October 23rd, 2008 08:32 PM

Re: Free 3D Programs "To which to learn with"
My lord. I don't even think I want to know for what someone would use an anatomically correct 3D figure. :blink:

Fretslayer October 23rd, 2008 08:37 PM

Re: Free 3D Programs "To which to learn with"
I've been using Daz figures for a long time now and I've not needed the M3 penis once.
I can't imagine it being a 'make it or break it' factor in the deal.

But you know, there are a lot of people out there who make 'Poser Porn' so I guess it's important to somebody. LOL!

UrbanArmitage October 23rd, 2008 11:21 PM

Re: Free 3D Programs "To which to learn with"

Originally Posted by Fretslayer (Post 256625)
I've been using Daz figures for a long time now and I've not needed the M3 penis once.
I can't imagine it being a 'make it or break it' factor in the deal.

But you know, there are a lot of people out there who make 'Poser Porn' so I guess it's important to somebody. LOL!

LOL, yeah me neither Fretslayer. I really can't see the attraction of polygonal genitals. :confused::laugh:

There is obviously a market for it though. Sites like Renderotica wouldn't exist if there weren't I guess.


evil_genius_180 October 24th, 2008 09:56 AM

Re: Free 3D Programs "To which to learn with"

Originally Posted by Fretslayer (Post 256625)
But you know, there are a lot of people out there who make 'Poser Porn' so I guess it's important to somebody. LOL!

Yeah, that was basically what I was getting at. I'm just trying to fathom what kind of loser goes in for that crap. I prefer the good ol' fashioned human action myself.

psycoderek November 11th, 2008 11:38 AM

Re: Free 3D Programs "To which to learn with"
Oddly you have all mentioned software that I use. I use different software for different applications. Blender to make a model and Bryce to texture it and put it in a scene. Daz studio 2 For human characters or something a little different like fantasy or scifi. I can add the finishing touches to my art in paintshop pro and will try truespace to see what it does. i tried the maya learning editionbut found it way beyond me. I like it simple where I can create a shape and then create anothe shape to go with it and so on until i have a result I like. Of all the software I use only Bryce cost me any cash because I have generous friends or the makers offer it for free. Now when some one designs a 3d package that has power tabs for easy working such as mesh splitting or UV texturing I will carry on regardless. I think that any software you can get for free is worth a try and should be at least given it's due. Oh as for human models with all the attachments, they get in the way unless they add extra shape to the model. male genitlas are pointless unless you are doing adult rated material and i am sure the people here are more inclined to make a model that has that extra special technical look to it rather than an anatomically perfet human figure that plays it's own bedroom golf.

gmd3d November 11th, 2008 11:40 AM

Re: Free 3D Programs "To which to learn with"
Welcome aboard .. psycoderek..

well said . I hope you will be posting some art here some time

psycoderek November 11th, 2008 12:40 PM

Re: Free 3D Programs "To which to learn with"
I'll check the faq's to make sure I do it correctly and in the proper place and at the right size.
Soon as that's done i'll put some up. I hope they are to a high enough standard.


gmd3d November 11th, 2008 01:00 PM

Re: Free 3D Programs "To which to learn with"
cool .. There is no standards here only Art and Design admirers .. I am not a pro .. and I am always stunned at the work shown here over the years..

we want to increase the amount of art posted .. and help new comers to CGI or traditional art to post work .. ..

gmd3d November 12th, 2008 04:10 AM

Re: Free 3D Programs "To which to learn with"
I have just added links for Bryce3d .. I am trying them out .. you have to registered to receive a licence number ..

psycoderek November 12th, 2008 04:19 AM

Re: Free 3D Programs "To which to learn with"
It's worth registering so tht you can access the forums there. Check the freepozitory section where you will find hundreds of links for bryce and daz material and links for other software too.

gmd3d November 12th, 2008 04:55 AM

Re: Free 3D Programs "To which to learn with"
I going to have a look through it later .. hope I can do a scene too .

gmd3d December 18th, 2008 10:11 AM

Re: Free 3D Programs "To which to learn with"
Added Vue 7 Pioneer beta .. free ..

cloudwkr55 February 18th, 2009 01:11 PM

Re: Free 3D Programs "To which to learn with"
While researching free apps, I ran into this one I didn't see in your main list: Amapi 6.1


gmd3d February 18th, 2009 02:24 PM

Re: Free 3D Programs "To which to learn with"
Thanks its been added

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