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ulimann644 March 24th, 2014 09:12 AM

Re: ulimann644´s Fleetyard
I´ve added a few lamps around the docking port.
Also a few details and marks at the top of the secondary hull.

evil_genius_180 March 24th, 2014 09:43 AM

Re: ulimann644´s Fleetyard
You know I like it. Though, just out of curiosity, why is there an arrow pointing to the bridge?

ulimann644 March 25th, 2014 02:58 PM

Re: ulimann644´s Fleetyard
The arrow should say the enemys: "Please hit the ship exectly at this point..." ;) :) (Just a joke...)

No - the arrow is pointing a point far beyond the ship. It´s just a symbol for: "Go ahead to the stars."
It´s another variant of the "normal" red stripes. This ship-design has not much space at it´s sides for stripes, so I´ve given it at the top of the secondary hull.

The original ANTARES-CLASS has also this arrow at it´s hull (in a little different design) and I liked it, so I´ve used it this way for my ship too.

I´ve added the weapons and the Hangar today. I´ve also finished the cargo-bays. I think, it can leave the drydock and go into action this WE... ;)

ulimann644 March 26th, 2014 07:07 AM

Re: ulimann644´s Fleetyard
Lights on...
Now there are only a few minor details and some textures to add, and playing with the values of the materials - and then this baby can leave the drydock.

gmd3d March 26th, 2014 09:01 AM

Re: ulimann644´s Fleetyard
very nice update..

evil_genius_180 March 26th, 2014 09:33 AM

Re: ulimann644´s Fleetyard
Everything is looking great. :)


Originally Posted by ulimann644 (Post 269541)
No - the arrow is pointing a point far beyond the ship. It´s just a symbol for: "Go ahead to the stars."
It´s another variant of the "normal" red stripes. This ship-design has not much space at it´s sides for stripes, so I´ve given it at the top of the secondary hull.

Yeah, I've done arrows before too. It's just that that one is so BIG. Note: not a criticism, I'm just saying that's how it is.

ulimann644 March 26th, 2014 09:46 PM

Re: ulimann644´s Fleetyard

Originally Posted by evil_genius_180 (Post 269549)
Everything is looking great. :)
Yeah, I've done arrows before too. It's just that that one is so BIG. Note: not a criticism, I'm just saying that's how it is.

I´ve understood it this way... :) :)
I think for the 22nd century it´s okay to make it a little bit bigger (or otherwise we can say, this ship is smaller as some others ;)).

The ship is ready now and I´ve opened a thread for this ship and Wallpapers with it, that will come soon here:
--> http://www.3dgladiators.net/forums/s...556#post269556

Here is one of the last "WIP"-Pictures, where you can see some marks of erosion on the lettering.

gmd3d March 27th, 2014 04:01 AM

Re: ulimann644´s Fleetyard
nice touch on the letter erosion and I think the horizontal windows look much better

evil_genius_180 March 27th, 2014 09:59 AM

Re: ulimann644´s Fleetyard
Yeah, that's a nice touch.

ulimann644 March 27th, 2014 06:42 PM

Re: ulimann644´s Fleetyard
Many thanx... :) :)
I´ve rendered a first Wallpaper with it.

ulimann644 April 8th, 2014 08:51 AM

Re: ulimann644´s Fleetyard
Three days ago I´ve startet with a new little project: A B5-Shuttle - just a little finger-exercise to learn more about the LW-Modeler and some Plug-In´s...

evil_genius_180 April 8th, 2014 10:24 AM

Re: ulimann644´s Fleetyard
I've only seen a few episodes of that series, so I have no idea if it's accurate. ;) (or even if it's based on a "canon" design) However, the modeling looks nice and solid so far.

ulimann644 April 9th, 2014 06:45 AM

Re: ulimann644´s Fleetyard
The basic design is canon. But they have had different versions of this shuttles in the show - some with only one cockpit-window, some with two, like at this mesh.

Here are two shots from the show - some have had green stripes, some red ones, and I´m certain, they have had also a few shuttles with blue stripes... ;)

Nevermind - I´ve made the cockpit a little bit larger for my version (it´s a newer one, constructed between 2262 and the Beginning of my Fan-Fiction: BABYLON-6 in 2291) so that could be... ;)

Here are some actual pics.
I´ve added the front-details and most of the details at the engine-sector.

At the last scene I´ve tested how it´s look like with one texture (very fast with the cubic-mode). It´s NOT the final texturing for the mesh and it´s NOT ready yet...!! ;)

evil_genius_180 April 9th, 2014 09:35 AM

Re: ulimann644´s Fleetyard
It's looking great so far.

One thing that I found bold about shows like this and Space: Above and Beyond is the decision to go 100% CGI with the effects. That was a bit of a gamble, but it worked.

ulimann644 April 9th, 2014 10:20 AM

Re: ulimann644´s Fleetyard

Originally Posted by evil_genius_180 (Post 269659)
It's looking great so far.

One thing that I found bold about shows like this and Space: Above and Beyond is the decision to go 100% CGI with the effects. That was a bit of a gamble, but it worked.


I was a little surprised as I´ve had heared the first time about the 100% CGI effects in B5, and I was very doubtfully if it can looking good, before I´ve seen the show.
After watching the first episodes I was surprised again - how good it looks like.

I like SPACE nearly as much as B5 - not especially for the CGI-effects, but they have their own charm IMO and I really like the Terran Carrier- and Fighter-Design. (My fav episode is: "The Angriest Angel" with the perfect music for this episode by Ludwig van Beethoven - Symphony No. 3 - Eroica)

evil_genius_180 April 9th, 2014 10:35 AM

Re: ulimann644´s Fleetyard
Considering when they were made, the effects on both shows are phenomenal. They're not that spectacular by today's standards, but we're talking back in the Pentium and Pentium II days and when RAM was measured in megabytes. I've only seen part of the first season of Babylon 5, so I'd imagine the effects got better over time. However, the first season is pretty rough. But, it was probably done on processors that were less than 100 MHz, so it's great. ;) Other Sci-Fi shows out at the time weren't willing to go 100% CGI, so you could consider these shows to be pioneers of that.

ulimann644 April 9th, 2014 03:56 PM

Re: ulimann644´s Fleetyard

Originally Posted by evil_genius_180 (Post 269662)
Considering when they were made, the effects on both shows are phenomenal. They're not that spectacular by today's standards, but we're talking back in the Pentium and Pentium II days and when RAM was measured in megabytes. I've only seen part of the first season of Babylon 5, so I'd imagine the effects got better over time. However, the first season is pretty rough. But, it was probably done on processors that were less than 100 MHz, so it's great. ;) Other Sci-Fi shows out at the time weren't willing to go 100% CGI, so you could consider these shows to be pioneers of that.

100% Agree.
And I really like both shows today. More like the many other shows with more modern CGI-Effects because the characters are very authentic, especially in B5 but also in SPACE (I mostly liked the character of Colonel McQueen in SPACE, and the characters Alfred Bester, G´Kar and Londo Mollari in B5 - Unfortunately Talia Winters had leaved the show too early - I liked her role in the show...)

evil_genius_180 April 9th, 2014 07:17 PM

Re: ulimann644´s Fleetyard
Col. McQueen is one of my favorite S:AAB characters too. Though, I like all of the main characters. It's a shame they only did one season.

Auditor April 10th, 2014 08:40 AM

Re: ulimann644´s Fleetyard
As I've said I loved SAAB. Cancelled way too soon. I loved the look mood tone feel. I actually went back and did search on this site 'Cruz I was sure I posted a PDF about it that I'd scanned from an article back when it was on. Loved the Hammerhead great design. I do wish they didn't cheap out and reuse some cg shots. Because that meant they needed to get rid of the nose art on the different ships.

B5 had the Starfury one of my favorite ships a probably my favorite starfighter. The shows acting weren't my favorite. But as I said recently I. Another post I watched it all last year from start to finish.

(In this space I had a whole thing about the limitations of LightWave and computers at the time and how it impacted the visuals at the time. Deleted Cruz I think were all aware of all that)

Anyway Like the model your making it looks like it belongs on the show.

evil_genius_180 April 10th, 2014 09:37 AM

Re: ulimann644´s Fleetyard

Originally Posted by Auditor (Post 269668)
I do wish they didn't cheap out and reuse some cg shots.

Good luck with that. ;) TV show budgets mandate cutting costs wherever possible. Reused effects sequences are common in space Sci-Fi shows due to the amount of money they cost to produce.

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