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victor1st November 21st, 2006 09:47 PM

Star Trek: Legacy
Anyone in here heard of this new PC game from bethesda Softworks/MadDoc? High poly ships and all that :)

Heres a stack of screenies so folks can have a look. http://www.startrek-gamers.com/legacyscreen.htm

evil_genius_180 November 21st, 2006 10:07 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Oooooh, look at all the ship models. :evil:

Those are some hot screenies, thanks for the link. :D

P.S. if anyone has any references on the ship pictured here, please let me know. I'd be very interested on any screencaps, pics, preferably blueprints, whatever you've got.

etwtewtew November 22nd, 2006 05:39 AM

3 Attachment(s)
Seems to have all the same proportions as the classic connie, with daedalus style nacelle caps, ENT style bussards, nurnies, saucer edge, and warp coils, a short neck, and of course flat nacelle struts, other than that, a straight hybrid of the daedalus and constitution, although the deflector is a wild card, since it's not visible at all. Seems like enough visual reference to model from, if that's the sort of thing you wanted to do with it :wink:

Edit: Kind of reminds me a little of a flatter version of this: Dennis Bailey's Phoenix

evil_genius_180 November 22nd, 2006 11:03 AM

I think I saw someone building that exact ship from Legacy once. I might check SFM and see if anyone over there was doing it. And what the hell is a nurnie?

etwtewtew November 22nd, 2006 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by evil_genius_180
And what the hell is a nurnie?

It's like a greeble only more nurnie like :biggrin: I'm not really sure if there's a difference :biggrin:

victor1st November 22nd, 2006 01:47 PM

The link is actually my site :)

If you dig around youll be able to hear some podcast interviews with the developer...MadDoc, they also made the million selling Star Trek: Armada II

The game itself has about 80 ships in it from the ENT era up to and inclusing the DS9 era and the films. Ohhh...and theres the clincher.

ALL FIVE captains have voice roles in the game, William Shatner (kirk), Avery Brooks (sisko), Kate Mulgrew (janeway), Patrick Stewart (picard) and Scot Bakula (archer)...this is the first time in the history of the entire franchise that one project has had all 5 captains in at the same time.

evil_genius_180 November 22nd, 2006 08:45 PM

Definitely sounds like an awesome game. I'm glad you brought this to our attention and you've obtained an impressive screenie collection. Do you know if the game will include the Ambassador-class? She's one of my favorites, along with the Constellation-class.

morganzacd5p November 22nd, 2006 09:56 PM

NX, Constellation, Constitution Refit, Excell, Galaxy, Akira, Intrepid, Defiant, And the Sovie. Now these are the ones listed on the sites official ships page. But Im seeing others in the screen shots.

Iv got a TMP Akazi, Miranda, NX Miranda, Ambassador (hears EVG180 Cheer), Akula, Nebula, something that looks like a Klingon version of the SG Prometheus, and...

You know what, HERE!!!... Get them yourself :)


OOOOOOHHH... Ill take three of these.

evil_genius_180 November 22nd, 2006 10:43 PM

Now I just gotta get a new PC (yeah, right) and wait for this game to come out.

victor1st November 23rd, 2006 08:27 AM

To be honest i wouldnt go to the bethesda site for updates, they are known to be slow.

So far this is the full list of ships which STG knows appears in the game...


Constitution Refit
Excelsior Refit
Miranda Refit
Proxima Refit


Death Boot
Death Rite
Raptor Refit


Swift Wing
BoP (Rom)
Winged Def.


Sphere 2
Cube 3
Diamond 3
Obelisk 3
Pyramid 3
Rectangle 3
Sphere 3
Tactical Cube

As for the excelsior...it depends on which one you mean...the first excelsior that was in The Search for Spock and then was commanded by Sulu or the refit Excelsior "Lakota" class that appears in TNG/DS9? I think both of them appear and i know one of them is definately a playable ship.

Ingame rander of the Excelsior...from Bethesda

Ingame screenshot of the Excelsior...

victor1st November 23rd, 2006 08:30 AM

Ohhhh and this is my personal favourite, this is how the warbird looks rendered ingame...


martok2112 December 26th, 2006 05:49 PM

If you get any version of Star Trek Legacy, I would get the Xbox 360 version, as the PC version is CHOCK full of bugs. Reviews for the PC version (and conversations I've had with fellow gamers) have been piss poor for it. The 360 version fared better, and that's the one I've got.


skyhawk223 January 6th, 2007 04:59 PM

I have the Xbox 360 version. It's pretty good with some elements of ST:Bridge Commander worked in. The contorls are a little tricky at first, but you get the hang of it.

morganzacd5p January 6th, 2007 07:55 PM

I still have been trying to set up a 3 on 1. Feds VS Tac Cube... BATTLE!!!

Lee January 7th, 2007 07:07 AM

wow.. that looks real...i gotta get this game...

evil_genius_180 January 7th, 2007 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by morganzacd5p
I still have been trying to set up a 3 on 1.

That sounds naughty. :evil:

Lee January 8th, 2007 01:10 AM

:redface: :wtf: :nonono: YOUR NOT RIGHT!!! :lol:

evil_genius_180 January 8th, 2007 01:44 AM

I've known that a lot longer than you have, bro. :alien:

I kept that comment in check the first time I read that, but after I read it again, my crude sense of humor got the better of me. :bash:

morganzacd5p January 8th, 2007 01:44 PM

OH... Thanks. You have just ruined this game for me. I hope your proud of yourself.

evil_genius_180 January 8th, 2007 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by morganzacd5p
I hope your proud of yourself.

Yeah, pretty much. :evil:

Khronnos January 9th, 2007 04:14 PM

I don't own an Xbox 360. So I will most likely go ahead and buy it for the PC. I had no clue that there were different designs unseen before. My brother and I have toyed with the idea of running a local star trek rpg based in the Enterprise era, or shortly thereafter. I think some variations on the NX class could be very nice.

Khronnos January 9th, 2007 04:19 PM

Ok ok....Now I have to go buy it tomorrow!!

I used to play the old fasa star trek rpg. I owned all but 2 of the miniature ships. I just went to the Legacy homepage and looked at some of the screenshots. I saw two distinct ships that were from the Fasa designs...Im very excited one was a romulan ship. The Romulan Winged Defender. I always thought that ship design was very nice.

wow...I'm all giddy inside...heh


erico January 20th, 2007 03:04 PM

Looks great but I don't have a 360, so I'll be waiting for a less buggy release of the PC version to come out. Those in-game renders really are incredible.

Nx-0809 May 13th, 2008 04:59 PM

Re: Star Trek: Legacy
Go to http://legacy.filefront.com/!!
a site for mod legacy!
more starship,more race......

KenWood August 19th, 2008 10:26 PM

Re: Star Trek: Legacy
Darn - and I have to wait until I can afford a newer computer to get it (no XBox, Ps3, etc)... I'll just reload up SFC II or III and replay those for the time being...:cry:

evil_genius_180 August 19th, 2008 10:45 PM

Re: Star Trek: Legacy
I hear you on that one. But I've almost got enough saved up to afford a system that should be able to handle some newer games. (the newest game I have right now that will run on my PC is from 2002)

ulimann644 August 21st, 2008 09:59 AM

Re: Star Trek: Legacy

Originally Posted by erico (Post 247716)
Looks great but I don't have a 360, so I'll be waiting for a less buggy release of the PC version to come out. Those in-game renders really are incredible.


Originally Posted by KenWood (Post 254897)
Darn - and I have to wait until I can afford a newer computer to get it (no XBox, Ps3, etc)... I'll just reload up SFC II or III and replay those for the time being...:cry:


Originally Posted by evil_genius_180 (Post 254899)
I hear you on that one. But I've almost got enough saved up to afford a system that should be able to handle some newer games. (the newest game I have right now that will run on my PC is from 2002)

I´ve testet the pc-version by a good friend and I say: "Yes - it looks really good, but beware of the gameplay!!!" It would become very boring after the first hour and I would rate it with only 61%. Hard-Core Trekkies can add 10% ;) for the models. I recommend to test it first before you buy it...

evil_genius_180 August 21st, 2008 09:48 PM

Re: Star Trek: Legacy
Thanks for the pass-along advice but I rarely take other peoples' word for it that a game is good or bad. I find my tastes vary and games that get rave reviews don't rate very high on my list while ones that don't do so well can sometimes be my favorites. Then there are some rare occasions where I agree 100% with reviews.

Having said that, this game isn't exactly high on my "to buy" list anyway. I find Star Trek games to be hit or miss on being good enough for me to own (mostly miss.) Plus, as I said, my most recent PC game is from 2002, so I have some catching up to do on the 6 years of great games since then (and even some from before that demand my attention. ;))

ulimann644 August 22nd, 2008 02:35 AM

Re: Star Trek: Legacy

Originally Posted by evil_genius_180 (Post 254953)
Thanks for the pass-along advice but I rarely take other peoples' word for it that a game is good or bad. I find my tastes vary and games that get rave reviews don't rate very high on my list while ones that don't do so well can sometimes be my favorites. Then there are some rare occasions where I agree 100% with reviews.

Having said that, this game isn't exactly high on my "to buy" list anyway. I find Star Trek games to be hit or miss on being good enough for me to own (mostly miss.) Plus, as I said, my most recent PC game is from 2002, so I have some catching up to do on the 6 years of great games since then (and even some from before that demand my attention. ;))

Absolutly possible that other people have more fun with it - that´s the reason why I recommend a test before buying it. ;)

The only Trek-Game that I have is ELITE-FORCE 2 and I still like it more as the most newer games. But my absolut ALL-TIME-HITS are still the "Battle Isle" Games inclusive "Incubation+Add On"

evil_genius_180 August 22nd, 2008 09:27 AM

Re: Star Trek: Legacy
I still like the 25th Anniversary game for the Nintendo and the Star Trek TNG RPG for the Sega Genesis. :)

As far as computer games go, I like more of the strategy/simulation games like the Starfleet Command series. Starfleet Academy was always a good game also. I used to have Bridge Commander and I liked it but I never liked it as well as Starfleet Academy. I don't think there are too many more that I've played and really liked.

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