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Darrell Lawrence February 2nd, 2011 06:22 PM



Rich Goellnitz February 2 at 4:53pm Reply • Report

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Truth? Check? Justice? Double check. The American Way? Well, not so much. Nope, in his next cinematic incarnation, British actor Henry Cavill will play Superman.Announcing the choice in a statement from Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures, Superman director Zack Snyder gushed, “In the pantheon of superheroes, Superman is the most recognized and revered character of all time, and I am honoured to be a part of his return to the big screen. I also join Warner Bros., Legendary and the producers in saying how excited we are about the casting of Henry. He is the perfect choice to don the cape and S shield.”Speculation has been rife as to who might play Clark Kent and the man who is possibly the most iconic superhero in the world. But we’ve been spared too many of the casting rumour stories and now Cavill is in the suit.Ironically, he was actually close to snagging the role back around the time that Superman Returns was being developed, as a prime choice of McG. But when the director was replaced by Bryan Singer, the new man in charge picked Brandon Routh instead.He’s appeared in films such as I capture The Castle and Tristan + Isolde, and a decent turn in Stardust, and has also been seen on the small screen, with a big role in The Tudors. He has kidnap thriller The Cold Light of Day and fantasy action epic The Immortals coming up this year, but now he’s been handed the biggest opportunity of his life. Naturally the role comes with some heavy baggage and even the fear of career kryptonite (just ask Routh), but if he pulls it off, Cavill will be launched to the next level.With a script by David Goyer and Christopher Nolan Emma Thomas, Charles Roven and Deb Snyder as producers, the new Superman pic (working titled Man of Steel) is scheduled for release in December 2012.

evil_genius_180 February 2nd, 2011 06:37 PM

That was on Yahoo last week.

Darrell Lawrence February 2nd, 2011 06:41 PM

I wasn't online last week and no one posted it here, so.... there it is.

evil_genius_180 February 2nd, 2011 06:51 PM

It was nothing against you personally, I'm just saying someone on Facebook is a little slow on the uptake. There was a whole article about the new Superman and a bunch of fanboy protests that Christopher Reeve or Tom Welling is the "only" Superman. Though, now that I think about it, it might have been earlier this week. (it was still several days ago)

Personally, I don't care who plays Superman, as long as he does a good job. I just hope they go in a different direction, instead of doing another movie based off of Richard Donner's films.

Though, in hindsight, I guess I should have posted a link to it here. Sorry for that.

gmd3d February 3rd, 2011 12:55 AM

Saw this too, and never posted. I bad.

But I too would like to see Superman again on the big screen. I liked the last one for the most part, but I am fed up with the lex luthor thing.

I saw the Tim Burton suit designs and and hated them(image below)

so long as they don´t change Superman ethos. I´ll watch it. but Hollywood for some daft reason think that dramatically changing something makes it better.

Here is a question ... if you could pick a bad guy for it.. WHO!!.

1) Lex (oh no)
2) Brainiac
3) Zod
4) Mr Myx
5) Bizarro
6) Darkseid
7) Doomsday (not for the first)
8) Metallo
9) Parasite
10) Toyman (I hate this character because its dumb)
11) Lobo

I would like to see a major showdown. building toppling and punches that cause windows to shatter.

evil_genius_180 February 3rd, 2011 09:14 AM

I like Superman Returns and I love Donner's original 2 films but they need to go somewhere else. Everything is being rebooted these days, why not Superman? Comics are rebooted so often anyway, that it's OK to do it with comic movies also. But, even though it will be a continuation of the Donner series, I'll still see it anyway. It will be interesting to see what Zack Snyder does with it. I like 300 and Watchmen (though, I still like the Watchmen graphic novel better.)

I hate that suit in the picture also, BTW. If Tim Burton ever does Superman, that's the one Superman film I absolutely won't see because he'll mess things up royally. I like only a handful of his films.

gmd3d February 3rd, 2011 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by evil_genius_180 (Post 264317)
I like Superman Returns and I love Donner's original 2 films but they need to go somewhere else. Everything is being rebooted these days, why not Superman? Comics are rebooted so often anyway, that it's OK to do it with comic movies also. But, even though it will be a continuation of the Donner series, I'll still see it anyway. It will be interesting to see what Zack Snyder does with it. I like 300 and Watchmen (though, I still like the Watchmen graphic novel better.)

I hate that suit in the picture also, BTW. If Tim Burton ever does Superman, that's the one Superman film I absolutely won't see because he'll mess things up royally. I like only a handful of his films.

I don´t mind reboots, its the messing about with what make a show or character so good that's annoying. I believe that only a handful of these reboots work well.

The A-Team movie director recently said he felt they had messed it up and could have done better. (I have not see it so I don´t know)

Donner series is a good foundation to work from I think even with a new actor play the part is ok . I liked Superman Returns apart from some story elements and choice of actors. (I was a bit disappointed with the actor playing Lois she did not have that edge Margaret Kidder had for the part).

But they do need to give another enemy for Superman to face
I like Lobo or Brainiac, Metallo.

No Doomsday where he dies, that would be daft if it becomes a new series. I think so anyway.

The only Tim Burton film I like is Batman the original one.

evil_genius_180 February 3rd, 2011 10:02 AM

Yeah, new Superman villain. The only one to not have Lex Luthor as a bad guy is Superman III but Superman Returns cuts it out of the continuity because it's a sequel to Superman II (I found that odd also.)

The Burton films I like are Batman, Batman Returns, Sleepy Hollow and Planet of the Apes. (except the end of Planet of the Apes is FUBAR) Most of his stuff is just too weird for my taste.

gmd3d February 3rd, 2011 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by evil_genius_180 (Post 264322)
Yeah, new Superman villain. The only one to not have Lex Luthor as a bad guy is Superman III but Superman Returns cuts it out of the continuity because it's a sequel to Superman II (I found that odd also.)

The Burton films I like are Batman, Batman Returns, Sleepy Hollow and Planet of the Apes. (except the end of Planet of the Apes is FUBAR) Most of his stuff is just too weird for my taste.

Chris Reeve stated that he considers the second to be the best.

The 3rd became more of a Richard Pryor film than a Superman film which ruined it,

of course he also said "the less said about Superman 4 the Better".

same here regarding Burton films .. but each to his or her own:)

evil_genius_180 February 3rd, 2011 10:17 AM

I like all 4 of the original films, I have them all on DVD. Granted, Superman 4 is the weakest of the four. It has a good enough story but I think it was rushed along and clearly had a smaller budget. The special effects can't hold up to the previous 3. The flying sequences scream "green screen," where they didn't on the others.

gmd3d February 3rd, 2011 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by evil_genius_180 (Post 264324)
I like all 4 of the original films, I have them all on DVD. Granted, Superman 4 is the weakest of the four. It has a good enough story but I think it was rushed along and clearly had a smaller budget. The special effects can't hold up to the previous 3. The flying sequences scream "green screen," where they didn't on the others.

I do myself .... I thought that Christopher Reeve was great as Clark and Superman. a dual roll that he mastered

this is the best quote I found from another site and the most (for me) the right one.

For me and I suppose for most fans who were young, impressionable children in the late seventies/early eightes Christopher Reeve is still the definitive Superman.
Strong but caring, invincible and yet somehow the most soulful onscreen incarnation of the man of steel yet

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