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Darrell Lawrence December 9th, 2010 08:03 PM

Transformers 3 Dark of the Moon

gmd3d December 10th, 2010 02:00 AM

Re: Transformers 3 Dark of the Moon
wow that looks interesting ...

cabal23 December 27th, 2011 09:14 AM

Re: Transformers 3 Dark of the Moon
so bad ... sooo bad end .. -.-

evil_genius_180 December 27th, 2011 10:40 AM

Re: Transformers 3 Dark of the Moon
I'll have to agree with cabal23. TF;DOTM was horrible. The main plot with the Autobots and Decepticons was solid, it was basically a reuse of the classic The Ultimate Doom plot from season 1 of the original cartoon series. (awesome 3-part episode) However, the parts with humans really ruined the film. Sam looking for and finding a job, Sam's parents, Sam's girlfriend, Simmons and a whole bunch of other parts. In their attempt to "humanize" the films, they have humans playing a much larger part than they did in the G1 cartoons, but the human scripting was dreadful. A 5-year-old could write a more intelligent script. The only humans who didn't have any bad parts were the military guys, (Josh Duhamel, Tyrese and the gang) Francis McDormand's character and Patrick Dempsey's character. They were the "normal" humans. Everyone else, even Sam, had some bad parts (too many of them.) The last hour of the film is solid, but the first 1.5 hours are a mix of good and dreadful parts. If I had edited the film, it would have been at least an hour shorter and would contain none of the stupid parts.

This movie is the worst of the series, IMO, and I'm officially out. If they make any more, I won't watch them. I grew up watching the G1 cartoons and the movie, and I have that all on DVD now, so I won't watch them ruining the franchise.

gmd3d December 27th, 2011 11:43 AM

Re: Transformers 3 Dark of the Moon
I ended up never getting a change to see this... glad I did not now !!

evil_genius_180 December 27th, 2011 12:20 PM

Re: Transformers 3 Dark of the Moon
Yeah, it's bad. I wouldn't recommend it to people I don't like, let alone my friends. The '80s cartoon series, which was written for children, had more intelligent scripts than roughly 1/3 of this movie does. :nonono: Revenge of the Fallen was better and it had some dumb parts (but not as many.) It also had those annoying Autobot twins in it, and even they weren't as bad as some of the humans in Dark of the Moon.

Reiko December 27th, 2011 06:30 PM

Re: Transformers 3 Dark of the Moon
I thought the movie would never end. It just dragged on and on and on...

evil_genius_180 December 27th, 2011 09:24 PM

Re: Transformers 3 Dark of the Moon
If you want to watch about 1.5 hours of highly entertaining Transformers action with the same overall plot, just watch The Ultimate Doom. I have the 25th anniversary G1 cartoon DVDs and they'll play multi-part episodes and only show the beginning and end credits once, so it's like watching a movie. Then the next episode after The Ultimate Doom is a self-contained episode, but it ties into the events of The Ultimate Doom, so that makes it closer to 2 hours of really great Transformers action, not that weak 2.5 hour movie that they released this past year.

Auditor December 28th, 2011 12:28 AM

Re: Transformers 3 Dark of the Moon
Weakest of the three. Not a big Michael Bay fan. Would go into detail but why bother. I ahd to watch it because thats just how it is I can't just watch one I had to see them all. They just kept getting worse.

gmd3d December 28th, 2011 01:04 AM

Re: Transformers 3 Dark of the Moon
I will stick with the TV version then... I am not a Michael Bay fan myself as a friend once told me ...... the whoosh bang film maker but little else.
not my type of film making, perhaps if I was 10 years old it might appeal

evil_genius_180 December 28th, 2011 08:30 AM

Re: Transformers 3 Dark of the Moon
I like The Rock, Armageddon, Pearl Harbor, The Island and the first Transformers film he did. Revenege of the Fallen is OK, but I feel it has too much crude humor in it. I even like crude humor, but I feel that it has no place in certain things, Transfomers is one of them. (It would be like putting a bunch of crude humor into a Star Trek or Star Wars film)

p.s. Cargile December 28th, 2011 11:08 AM

Re: Transformers 3 Dark of the Moon
My 6 yr old son loves the Transformer movies, and I was rather shocked at the crude humor in Revenge. All that could be taken out and it wouldn't impact the movie. It wouldn't be hard to make an cut that's kid friendly, after-all it is based on a toy line.

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