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-   -   PHP5 upgrade scheduled for the 6th of August 2007 (https://www.3dgladiators.net/forums/showthread.php?t=22258)

Darrell Lawrence August 6th, 2007 08:29 AM

PHP5 upgrade scheduled for the 6th of August 2007
Damn. I forgot about this from our server host:

"The version of PHP on your server (currently PHP4) is being upgraded to version 5 on the 6th of August 2007. For most of our clients the changes will be seamless, however, for clients running older/out-of-date scripts there may be some compatibility issues (older versions of ultimatebb for example).

Please check that any PHP scripts you are using are up-to-date to ensure that the PHP upgrade does not affect the functionality of your site/scripts.

If you have any concerns, please contact us and we will do our best to help.

Thank you, Topclasshost Helpdesk Team."

If anyone runs into any issues on any of the PHP pages we have, to include the forums, this'll be why.

If we do run into issues, I'll try to get them fixed as fast as I can.

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