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-   -   Shield FX Tutorial for Lightwave!!! (https://www.3dgladiators.net/forums/showthread.php?t=20150)

BrandonBray May 31st, 2003 11:00 AM

Shield FX Tutorial for Lightwave!!!
Well, after years of searching for a tutorial... :what:

After years of asking for help and never, ever getting any... :mad:

After years of trial, error, and frustration... :nuts:

... it is finally here! :D

A Lightwave tutorial on how to create SHIELD FX for Star Trek style ships, which look and work much like what was seen on the TV shows! Here is a sample image...


-- here is a sample animation...


-- and to those of you who are interested, you can read the tutorial by clicking this link http://www.b5tech.net/tutorial/tutorial.htm!

If anyone out there has figured out a better method for doing this, let me know.

June 7th, 2003 11:13 AM

Well, yeah... You make a ball in the shape of the sheild you want, (do all the timing and animating tricks you want to do to the thing..)

Then you make a picture of blueish lense flare (head-on) with the lens reflection thingy turned on. Make the shot to the ball, aim the flare where it needs to be.. Add noise, and voila! There are several tutorials explaining this and other techniques floating about on the internet. And if it's not for LW, it's very easy to apply the same steps! :)

This is the way I've always done my shields... With some more steps added in, of course. ;)

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