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gmd3d October 21st, 2008 01:36 AM

Star Trek "Moments of wonder"
Star Trek "Moments of wonder"

Since 1966, Star Trek has been on the TV screens somewhere in the world starting in USA. and it has stayed in our conscious in some form.. it has had
moments of wonder and even joy to some people.. this is to share your moments with the forum..

There has been a time believe it or not when Star trek merchandise was a rare as a snowflake in the sahara .. It was like gold dust.

these lean years where in the 70s and at least in my pert of the world the early 80s.. when Books and videos started to appear.

I'd like to share 2 such trek moments..

First was seen STAR TREK TMP. and seen Kirk and Scotty see the Enterprise
in that dock with Jerry Goldsmiths music playing. there was no sound in the cinema room..

The next was in the early 80s, there was no TNG.. there was only the TOS crew and a few books by James Blish Star Trek 1-12 (1967-1975) Novelizations of the scripts (this is the gold dust I was speaking off)
His wife J. A. Lawrence, completed the book, and later completed the adaptations in the volume Mudd's Angels.

I was looking for any models of the Enterprise or Klingon BC .. no main shop or store had them.. one of the biggest I knew then was in a Book Shop (funny) Easons .. with little hope I asked the lady at a Cash point//

She said no... it was not that popular:wtf: well not enough for a place like Eason to stock it.. I was really down . at 12 I was a Trek fan .. the only one I knew.. surprise on surprise the lady at the cashpoint told me her husband was on the look out for one.. (Her husband .. this surprised me..her husband??:blink::blink:) Listen " she said .. Check out "Modellers Den" across the River.. well a long Dull story later I skipped across.. and like Harry Potter
at Platform 9.whatever. I entered this new world.. Models of all kinds.

Plane Trains and auto mobiles off all shapes and Sizes. Shock on Shock I looked around this treasure trove . But No Enterprise no Klingon Battle Cruiser... I was so annoyed I could have crushed a Grape (ok I was 12.. I am bigger now .. I could at a moments notice CRUSH 2 Grapes:D)

anyway something grabbed my attention.. there behind the Cash counter and the glass window that blocked me ..... it looked like a Klingon BC .. No I could not believe it possible.. Yes it was ,.. I ran up and to the owner . and as I spoke to the owner .. there was 2 models of the Enterprise .. 2 .. AMT I think ..

I handed over what money I had (I was short of a £1 or £2. but he let me have it.. I swore to come back in and pay him the remainder.) which I did

I had it .. I return home hand inching to get started ,,

Happy days and a Star Trek moment I will never forget

UrbanArmitage October 21st, 2008 05:29 AM

Re: Star Trek "Moments of wonder"
That's a great story Taranis! :D

I don't have a Trek one from back then but your story reminds me very much a Cylon Raider, an 11-year old boy, and a parent's holiday to England from South Africa. I think my mom still cringes over how I bugged the living %$^@ out of her for those. ;)


gmd3d October 21st, 2008 07:09 AM

Re: Star Trek "Moments of wonder"
glad you liked it.. I was thinking about for some reason today .. funny how the obscure pops back into the mind

FleetCommander October 21st, 2008 10:30 AM

Re: Star Trek "Moments of wonder"
When I was ten, my mom and dad got me a Klingon Battle Cruiser model rocket kit for Christmas. I was soooooooo happy! My uncle (dad wasn't exactly the most patient with models, and my mother wanted to stay out of the way) and I spent three weeks painstakingly putting it together, and it was the most beautiful model of a cruiser I'd seen.

One beautiful day that spring, we went outside to give our bird its maiden flight. We installed the engine, got it on my uncle's launch pad, and completed the final preparations. The magic button was pushed, and my Klingon battle cruiser soared off into the blue skies...then promptly exploded for no apparent reason.

After the pieces came back to Earth, we found out what happened: The part of the rocket that was supposed to pop apart when the parachute charge fired fit TOO snugly into the receiver. When the charge fired, the explosion had nowhere to go and ripped the cruiser apart.

Ah, well. If you're going to go out, it's best to go out in a blaze of glory!

gmd3d October 21st, 2008 01:03 PM

Re: Star Trek "Moments of wonder"
Wow .. what a way to go .. for a Klingon Battle Cruiser.. good name for a Klingon ship .

blaze of glory

UrbanArmitage October 22nd, 2008 12:40 AM

Re: Star Trek "Moments of wonder"
Definately a good Klingon name. For some reason the Bon Jovi song with the lyrics 'Shot Dooooown, in a blaze of gloooorryyyyy' keep going through my mind! ;)


gmd3d October 22nd, 2008 01:06 AM

Re: Star Trek "Moments of wonder"
I remember that song .. just don't sing out load :)

(Runs way quickly)

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