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Darrell Lawrence May 13th, 2011 04:10 PM

NBC Reportedly Passes on 'Wonder Woman' Pilot

This spring, no pilot was more buzzy, controversial, or intensely scrutinized than "Wonder Woman." But evidently, buzz is not enough to overcome the stink of a misbegotten failure: This week, NBC declined to pick up the show.

The news comes as the networks prepare for their upfront presentations (where they unveil their fall schedules for advertisers). "Wonder Woman" would have seemed to be a sure thing: It was produced by David E. Kelley, whose TV successes with the network date back to "L.A. Law," and starred geek-bait stars like Cary "The Princess Bride" Elwes and Elizabeth "Austin Powers" Hurley. But reports of its abysmal script (which was later rewritten, to slightly more positive effect) seem to have been borne out in a pilot episode NBC could not approve. The ongoing agita over the design of the title character's costume — which producers attempted to quell by announcing Wonder Woman would actually alternate three different looks — probably didn't help either.

"Wonder Woman" is not the only pilot NBC commissioned, and then (reportedly) rejected. "A. Mann's World," a dramedy from "Sex and the City" producer Michael Patrick King, would have starred Don Johnson as a hairstylist, and Ellen Barkin as his ex-wife. "17th Precinct" would have reteamed "Battlestar Galactica" co-creator Ron Moore with "Galactica" stars James Callis and Jamie Bamber, but the notion of a series about a magic police station (really) may have been too strange for network television. And author A.J. Jacobs has expressed equanimity about the death of a sitcom pilot based on his book "My Life as an Experiment": "As the Jews say, may its memory be a blessing!...I will always have the fake BlackBerry prop that I stole from the set. They can't take that away from me!"

Fortunately for David E. Kelley, he has had some good news from NBC this week: It has picked up his surprise hit dramedy "Harry's Law" for a second season. Maybe he can write in a role for Adrianne Palicki, the would-have-been Wonder Woman: I see her as a sassy, very tall brunette paralegal, who never dresses in latex bustiers.


evil_genius_180 May 13th, 2011 08:41 PM

Re: NBC Reportedly Passes on 'Wonder Woman' Pilot
I was all ready to post this (I have the page opened up in another tab) but I figured you'd have beaten me to it.

This is probably for the better, too many fanboys were already crying about the costume. (Yes, I, a Trekkie, am bashing fanboys, get over it. :tongue2:) It's probably for the better, though, it sounds like it was going to stink pretty bad anyway. I think they need to stop with this silly TV stuff and just make the leap to the big screen with Wonder Woman. But that's just my opinion.

Darrell Lawrence June 9th, 2011 08:07 AM

Re: NBC Reportedly Passes on 'Wonder Woman' Pilot
Stills from the pilot show.... THE REAL COSTUME!


(link pulled from another site. No idea what the image hosting site is, but I doubt it's safe for work or children! So ONLY go to the link provided)

evil_genius_180 June 9th, 2011 10:02 AM

Re: NBC Reportedly Passes on 'Wonder Woman' Pilot
So, they did actually change it to a classic looking costume. Isn't it interesting what peer pressure can do? ;) I wonder what would have been if the powers-that-be at NBC hadn't passed on it. I'll confess, though I'm not much of a WW fan, I was actually looking forward to this show this fall. Though, I don't know what's worse, not being able to see it at all or getting to see a few episodes and then them cancelling it. I wonder if they'd consider adapting it into a big screen film. After all, NBC and Universal are the same company, they have that power. (they just have to clear it with DC and then find people to finance and make the film) Of course, DC could do it without NBC/Universal through their parent company Time Warner, since they own the WW copyrights, but they might not want to cut NBC totally out of the loop.

lordiffy October 5th, 2011 04:39 PM

Re: NBC Reportedly Passes on 'Wonder Woman' Pilot
From what I know from articles I've read, NBC were actually not that interested in doing the show, and were only doing it to fulfill part of David E. Kelley's contract with the network, thus giving him a break from their contract.
This was only one of numerous shows that Kelley did for NBC that were quickly chopped and burned. So, hopefully, no more shows involving sassy female lawyers from him for awhile.

admiral horton October 9th, 2011 11:09 AM

Re: NBC Reportedly Passes on 'Wonder Woman' Pilot
well i wonder if it will fly most of these remakes done seem to do well

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