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moovok December 20th, 2003 10:38 AM

The new logo (which I'm sure nobody's seen) is kinda cool. Very Christmassy in a way. Could put some tinsel on it as well. Well done!

Kakaze December 20th, 2003 10:43 AM

I saw it.

Need to make a couple of the letters blue and white for our Jewish members.

General Phoenix December 20th, 2003 11:12 PM

Well, the rest of the site is blue and white... :)

I did actually toy with putting a menorah in there, but I couldn't think of how to fit it in.

Sess December 22nd, 2003 01:38 PM

Who not like in that musicle about the orphan girl (Anna? something like that),
there they don't have any red in the entire musicle. They use blue with green instead.

Chris B December 22nd, 2003 01:51 PM

Red is the colour introduced by the CocaCola Company, sad as that is.

Sess December 22nd, 2003 02:41 PM

Probably that's why Pepsi chose to promote christmas in blue. Even blue pepsi last year (which tasted funny, but not half bad. Better than normal pepsi actually, I think they added some mint flavour)

Kakaze December 22nd, 2003 04:03 PM


Originally posted by Chris B
Red is the colour introduced by the CocaCola Company, sad as that is.

ANNNNNNNN...wrong, but thanks for playing!


Sess December 22nd, 2003 04:32 PM

Well, St Nicolaas DOES have a red dress too. And so does Grandpa Frost, from the russian tradition of New Year, which was initiated by the communists basically... I guess that's why he's read.

which doesn't explain why st Nicolaas is red?

moovok December 22nd, 2003 05:16 PM

I know it's Christmas when the Coca Cola adverts come on and you hear "Holidays are Coming..." :)

Chris B December 23rd, 2003 02:45 AM

The only historical reason for him to wear a red garment would be that he was a Bishop, therefore wearing a red dress. In older paintings and sclutpures you will find him in blue, purple or green as well.

I would assume the following: CocalCola created St. Claus, Santa Claus, who is based on St. Niclas. They gave him a red dress to represent the colour of their famous beverage (or the bottles thereof ;)). Now in turn St. Niclas, who before that wore his Bishop-garment (called Mitra in German) adopted features of this new Santa Claus. This all results in quite a confusion, for kids who know both guys can hardly keep them apart.

scaramanga December 23rd, 2003 03:42 AM

Sinterklaas rules, he's not a fakey like the x-mas man :p

Kakaze December 23rd, 2003 01:18 PM


This legend is not true. Although some versions of the Santa Claus figure still had him attired in various colors of outfits past the beginning of the 20th century, the jolly, ruddy, sack-carrying Santa with a red suit and flowing white whiskers had become the standard image of Santa Claus by the 1920s, several years before Sundlom drew his first Santa illustration for Coca-Cola. As The New York Times reported on 27 November 1927:

A standardized Santa Claus appears to New York children. Height, weight, stature are almost exactly standardized, as are the red garments, the hood and the white whiskers. The pack full of toys, ruddy cheeks and nose, bushy eyebrows and a jolly, paunchy effect are also inevitable parts of the requisite make-up.

It's simply mind-boggling that at the beginning the 21st century, historians are still egregiously perpetuating inaccurate information like the following:

So complete was the colonization of Christmas that Coke's Santa had elbowed aside all comers by the 1940s. He was the Santa of the 1947 movie Miracle on 34th Street just as he is the Santa of the recent film The Santa Clause. He is the Santa on Hallmark cards, he is the Santa riding the Norelco shaver each Christmas season, he is the department-store Santa, and he is even the Salvation Army Santa!

As we just pointed out above, the modern Santa had "elbowed aside all comers" long before the 1940s, and well before Coca-Cola co-opted him as their wintertime advertising symbol. And we're at a loss to understand how anyone could have recognized the Santa of Miracle on 34th Street, a BLACK-AND-WHITE film, as the red-and-white Coca-Cola Santa.

Sess December 23rd, 2003 03:32 PM

Kakaze, that piece of thing is BS written by people who haven't grown up with only black and white footage.

We only had a black and white TV at home, and I can tell you, pure red like santa's can be very recognized by its unique shade of gray.

I used to play that game for fun, guess the colours. You'd guess the colours of things in a video game, and then you'd play the video game on the television of a classmate who DID have colour tv. And I can tell you, you guess right about 4 out of 5 times, even on objects you can't posibly logically determine the colour of.

(yeah we had weird games as kids. :what: )

Kakaze December 23rd, 2003 04:10 PM

Regardless, sweetie, the red santa clause was NOT an invention of Coca Cola.

Coke helped popularise the modern santa, but it didn't invent it.

moovok December 23rd, 2003 04:22 PM

I'm sure I've watched a lot of TV, because at Christmas time they bring on experts on morning TV about myths of Santa Claus and Legends, how he was created, why we have misletoe, etc. And I'm sure they state as well that Santa Claus has his red and white due to Coca Cola.

But then experts can be wrong.

Chris B December 24th, 2003 02:02 AM

The spreading of socalled american culture over the whole word is remarkable, btw. a number of years back hardly anyone thouhgt of a santa claus here. it was St. Nikolaus on the 6th who brought cookies, choclate, fruits and nuts and the Christkind, who brought presents on the evening of the 24th.
nowadays two dudes clad in red run around...

one common dress-up for Nikolaus is this: http://www.wil.ch/vereine/st_niklaus...s/portrait.jpg
his friend there is Knecht Ruprecht, who is supposed to punish bad kids.
as you can see Nikolaus wears what he is ought to wear as the bishop he was.

moovok December 24th, 2003 02:29 AM

I'm worried. All these men running around on Christmas Eve, that would be a great job! I wonder if Santa is looking for a new elf :)

I wonder if they get benefits? :D

Chris B December 24th, 2003 03:35 AM

they showed a report on television the other day: what are christmas-dudes really like.

one of the tests they performed was inviting a santa to a bunch of kids.

delinquent #1, when having his beard ripped off, dropped his clothing and revelead:"hah, i'm not santa, just a student who needs money." as you can guess the children's mood went down south.

delinquent #2, when shot at with a waterpistol, just left the children-party because he felt treated disrespectfully. what does he expect of 4 year-olds?

sad, sad, sad...

moovok December 24th, 2003 11:39 AM

It's cause they're not the real Santa. Plus, he does it when they're sleeping, so they can't tug on his beard nor shoot him with a waterpistol, cause hopefully it's still in its wrapping paper :D

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