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Darrell Lawrence January 5th, 2002 02:15 PM

Download Center
Ok folks... Time to get on the ball here.

I'm going to go ahead and create our own Download Center.

It's gonna be a bit low-tech, time consuming for me, etc, and this is where you come in:

Anyone wanting to contribute a mesh for the Center needs to submit to me, by e-mail, not this thread, the following:

URL to the zip (I will download it and upload it to our server, then notify you when that's done so you can delete/remove it from yours if needed)

A thumnail of a perspective shot, similar to this one: http://www.3dgladiators.net/0/images/amarillo-persp.jpg

Size must be that size! (200x150) and the background must be white.

Next I need to know the Program (and version!) it was modeled in, the modeler (that'd be you :) ), Point *and* Poly count, whether or not textures are included or not, any plug-ins used and a short commentary on the mesh by you. I will also need to know what catagory it goes to.

Hope to hear something from ya soon!

skyhawk223 January 7th, 2002 05:44 AM

Sounds great. I will compile one of my meshes and get the required stuff together.Should we upload it to our FTP space?

Darrell Lawrence January 7th, 2002 10:52 AM

If Thomas got the FTP info to ya, yeah :) That'd save me time of DLing then re-uploading.

skyhawk223 January 8th, 2002 05:38 AM

Cool. I plan on releasing the Starmaster and the D2. Others might follow.

Thomas P January 8th, 2002 06:23 AM

He should have it :)

skyhawk223 January 8th, 2002 11:52 AM

Masao, Do you have a writeup for the Starmaster?

skyhawk223 January 8th, 2002 12:21 PM

Warrior, the Starmaster is uploaded with (hopefully) all the required files. It is in a single zip file in my ships directory in the repo.
Let me know if anything is missing.

If anyone else wants the file, feel free to download and convert.

Darrell Lawrence January 8th, 2002 01:45 PM

The thumbnail and info is in the zip file?

skyhawk223 January 9th, 2002 05:39 AM

Yes. the files are called starmaster_thumb.jpg and USS Starmaster.doc. Are they missing? The .zip I uploaded should have all textures, the .cob, and the two files mentioned above, at least according to the index I am looking at here using Winzip.

Darrell Lawrence January 9th, 2002 09:51 AM

Dunno if they're missing or not.

Was curious, cuz now I do gotta DL it it and remove them from the zip *L*

Oh well.

Masao January 10th, 2002 02:46 AM

Write up on the Starmaster? Not a word, unfortunately. I kind of burned myself out writing 15,000 words on Klingons, but as soon as I recharge, I hope to start another article. The choice is between transports, including Starmaster and USS Huron, or those fighters a posted about 5 years ago.

But do they want comments on the design (mission, functions) or comments on the mesh?

Darrell Lawrence January 10th, 2002 09:04 AM

Both are needed.

In this case, it's for the mesh.

But for the 5 views also will be needed for that section.

skyhawk223 January 14th, 2002 09:58 AM

The D2 is posted at the repo; ready for download.

Am I including the files correctly in the zip, or do you want me to send them another way?

skyhawk223 January 18th, 2002 05:25 AM

Is the download center operational yet?

Darrell Lawrence January 18th, 2002 11:02 AM

I'd like them seperated. Only the mesh, readme and it's textures in the zip.

The "display" image I'd like to have seperate and info text seperate so I can link directly to everything.

With it all zipped together, then I have to DL it anyways to seperate it :)

...and no, it's not operation just yet.

skyhawk223 January 18th, 2002 12:54 PM

Ok, what I did was upload the image and doc separately but also left them in the zip so that when the user downloads, they have the doc and image.

If you need help getting the download center set up, let me know.

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