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alial February 23rd, 2002 02:31 PM

Anybody know where I can get it? I wanna try out some of its features i read about in a magazine.

Kakaze February 23rd, 2002 03:07 PM


Do they even make Infini-d anymore?

Last I heard Metacreations bought it and dropped it.

alial February 23rd, 2002 07:12 PM

o darn

thomas7g February 23rd, 2002 08:16 PM

may I suggest Rhino3d? I gave it a brief whirl and liked it. But since I own an old version of Max I'm sticking with that.:)

alial February 23rd, 2002 08:20 PM

Hmm.. There was just one feature I heard about in Infini-D that I really wanted to try out.

It was a 2d paint plugin thing. That after you painted the object in 2d you could extrude it so it was 3d

pcmacman February 23rd, 2002 09:08 PM

Gee, i feel old.

I rember when that came out. I remeber seeing an ad about it in adobe magazine, they described how you could take a photo and make it into 3d.

If you're trying to do it in lightwave, I'm pretty sure I've seen a tutorial about it somewhere..

alial February 23rd, 2002 09:11 PM


I've never seen a tut on how to do that.

pcmacman February 23rd, 2002 10:25 PM

Heres one tutorial on it, I remeber seeing one that went into alot more detail, it might have been on flay, but dont quote me on that.

Iczer February 25th, 2002 02:25 PM

Re: Infini-D
I've used Infini-D 3.5, and 4.0 If I knew about that feature I'd have still used it. I didn't like ID, it wasn't up to LWs standards. It did have a kewl light tube, that can be used as lasers. ;)

I think you're thinking of Canoma, that Metacreations put out. That program did what you described.



pcmacman February 26th, 2002 05:25 AM

Ah, thats it. Thanks, they dont produce canoma anymore do they?

Kakaze February 26th, 2002 12:56 PM

Canoma was a piece of crap...and it didn't make models from pictures.

You had to take a picture, build a model yourself and map the picture to it. It was intended for people who needed 3d effects really quickly...all you had to build the models were primatives.

There are programmes that will make full models from images, I was looking into one a year or so ago, but I forgot the name :(

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