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Old February 27th, 2002, 11:47 AM   #10
Crossbow's Avatar
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Chaos (dont remember the author)
Judging by the rest of the titles, I'd say the author is James Gleick. I have the same book.

I should explain my rather large unread book pile...
Near me are two bookstores that sell used and production overrun books. They're both great stores, and they sell books quite inexpensively. I tend to hit them on a regular basis. To top it off, a friend of mine had a garage sale a little while back, where he sold off most of his books (He was moving from a house to a rather small apartment.) Any scifi and fantasy he didn't sell, I got. read some of them, but most have taken a back seat to whatever interests me at the moment.

Most of the non-fiction is reference material for my hobbies (especially medieval history), so I don't tend to read them through. I page through them to find what I need as I need it.
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