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Old April 3rd, 2002, 12:15 PM   #13
Rustedborg's Avatar
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I've got an entire room dedicated to being my library with shelves covering almost every wall ... and my soon-to-be father-in-law is making another huge bookcase for a wedding gift!

I've got too many books to count and they're in too many genres to list, but I can list some of my favorite authors. These are the folks who have entire shelves dedicated to them at my place.

Harlan Ellison -- Horror, Science Fiction, Social commentary
Clive Barker -- Horror, stageplays, screenplays
Ellis Cose -- Social Commentary
Amiri Baraka -- Beat Poetry
... And an entire wall devoted to religious studies -- Taoism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Jewish, modern religions and cults, etc.

There's more, but that's the stuff I read most of the time. (Overall, I'd estimate the library to be somewhere between 800 and 1,200 strong.)

God, I love books!!!

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