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Old September 1st, 2003, 03:53 PM   #9
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We need to work out the mental reasons WHY people do things and rehabilitate them, not lock them away and let them be treated like some lower order of beaing
Anyone that evil is a lower order of being. I'm sorry, but I don't see why anyone's time should be wasted on helping someone who sexually abuses children. There's no excuse, it's wrong, and if they don't know that, they're off the team- they don't get to be treated like humans anymore. They shouldn't need to be told, and they shouldn't be given a chance for redemption.

This guy on the other hand has a case that may be worth looking at.

just don't belive doing something to someone that is simmilar to what they did it right.
Molesting a child: WRONG
Knocking the guy who molested a child around: EXCUSABLE
Locking them away: RIGHT