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Old January 1st, 2004, 11:15 AM   #18
JasonA's Avatar
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I thought I'd toss out a few observations (not trying to flame or anything )

I think the big problem with 3DG getting new members is that it doesn't really offer much of anything. I mean, this is basically a forum.... and thats it. thats not enough to attract people to come to the site these days. Another compounding problem is that it's heavily tilted toward trek/scifi. (*EDIT ok maybe not as much as it used to, as i look over the finshed artowrk section. still though..*) I think that alienates alot of 3D artists out there, and only appeals to a rather narrow sector of the 3D art community. Its like what Enlightenment already said. Many of the other big sites offer alot more, either in the form of tutorials, software support, industry news, contests (with BIG prizes from sponsers) etc etc. I would also point out that those sites hardly ever have trek stuff pop up on them. At most, 3DG seems to get the leftovers of scifi-meshes these days. And thats really too bad.

Last edited by JasonA; January 1st, 2004 at 11:24 AM..
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