Thread: Captains Log..
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Old January 13th, 2004, 08:56 PM   #1
valiant_warrior's Avatar
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Default Captains Log I..

Captains Log,
Stardate 59213.5

i don't know what the hell Starfleet was thinking..
assigning me to this ship.

in my starfleet career i've captained 14 Nx Prototypes,
and by my recommendation starfleet Mothballed 11 of them.

The Erie class was outdated the day after she left space dock..
the twilight class had her saucer ripped off when we tried the "New transwarp"
what a joke that bucket of bolts was..
and the Defiant class could hardly reach warp nine with out loosing half of her outer hull,
god knows how ben managed to fix that..

but this ship..
i heard about the slipstream tech and the failures aboard the Clinton and the Drumhead..
Captain Celestial was a friend of mine, but i'm not in any hurry to see him again..
why the hell they would try again so soon after all those deaths is beyond me.

End log.


Last edited by valiant_warrior; January 21st, 2004 at 11:47 PM..
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