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Old February 3rd, 2004, 11:49 PM   #26
General Phoenix
3DG Administrator Emeritus
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Join Date: Oct 1999
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You've inspired me:


"Lt. John Mar; Personal Log - Stardate 59284.5

The Captain asked me to lunch again today. He was going on and on about how impressed he was with my work. He seems to be particularly interested in molecular recycling systems for some reason.

Anyway, he's starting to give me the creeps. Asking me to lunch all the time, talking about how I should get a promotion, he even asked if I would consider transferring to his ship as an Engineering Supervisor. To be honest, I'm beginning to think that his interest in me is - how should I put this - more than professional. I'm flattered, of course - he is a Captain, after all - but I'm engaged.

Even if he is just impressed with my abilities, there's no chance in hell that I'm signing on to that ship. I mean, I don't really believe in curses, but I'll put up two-to-one odds that ship explodes the minute she leaves spacedock. In either case, I'm going to have to find a way to let him down easy.

I guess I can do it tomorrow - over lunch.

End Log."
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