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Old April 3rd, 2005, 05:34 PM   #3
JasonA's Avatar
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I made the rough-out of the bridge this afternoon. I'm leaving it pretty simple for now, since I ultimately want to flesh out the entire model to establish proper proportionality before I concern myself with detailing. Essentially I birailed the side walls and used some planar trims for the top and rear. And the bridge dome, of course, is a revolution. Pretty straight forward really.

I can see already that the blueprints are leading me astray. When followed exactly, it leaves you with connie style bridge so I've already taken the liberty of tweaking it to make it more Miranda like. I think it still needs some more shape correction, but I'll fix it up more later on. for now this is good enough.

Here's the wire lay out:

Which resulted in your typical bridge:
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