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Old May 22nd, 2005, 03:21 PM   #11
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I was reading the script for it, they cut out two important scenes which I think would have been good to show the progression of Anakin turning to the dark side and the whole Qui-Jon storyline that just popped up at the end.

Jar-Jar (his only speaking part), Palpatine and Anakin are talking. Jar Jar says hello, but that's it, but Palpatine says that Obi-Wan shouldn't go on the mission because it's rumoured he fancies a Senate, a FEMALE Senate, which gives Anakin suspicions of Obi-Wan and Padme cause next he has the dream with Obi-Wan above Padme.

Also, Yoda is contacted by Qui-Jon, voice over only, and it's there we learn that the force can be harnessed beyond death...
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