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Old June 4th, 2005, 08:09 AM   #17
choochst's Avatar
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i thought it was the best of ALL of them except EMPIRE, i mean,you can't compare the characters, these movies are backstory fillers, the interactions and personalities ofn the originals are the best bar none, but as far as if you take this flick and look at it on it's own merits, not as so much "comparison"to the rest, the pace, style, action, darkness, and effects blew me away.

and FINALLY! some lightsaber duels that did not take over an hour because everyon e was so damned skilled! LOL!

the characters in these prequals were written poorly, wooden, lacking of personality, natalie portman had to struggle to make Padme someone we will miss, and jar jar...did he even HAVE to drop him in, even for one quick scene?
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