Thread: Art Theft
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Old July 18th, 2006, 10:52 PM   #27
the3dgm's Avatar
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Part of the problem with places like e-bay, is that some companies don't or wont do anything.

Case in point: About 4 or 5 years ago, I bid on a render package that was on e-bay, the picture showed the box, unopened, and was being sold by a vendor with a very high satisfaction rating! I did not win, but was contacted by the vendor and told he was a business and had a few more of the programs and would sell it to me for my high bid, I'm stupid, I bought it and received a boot legged copy of every bit of software a now defunct company sold. I reported it to the company, three times, and never got a response, a few days later I had an e-mail from someone who wanted to sell me one of Adobe's programs, I contacted Adobe and their response was; 'if you don't have a name and an address what do you want us to do!'

Well, I've never got asked to buy pirated software again, and I make sure of what I'm getting now and I check out companies and don't buy from e-bay.

What can ya do?
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