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Old October 14th, 2008, 09:05 AM   #20
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The ship actually is my least favorite part of TNG. It's certainly nothing against Andrew Probert or Rick Sternbach, but I'm not too fond of many of the 2350s to 2360s Starfleet designs. The Enterprise-D is the ugliest of the Enterprise line, IMO. I like the Enterprise-C a lot better and really would have liked it if the show had featured that design. Even the bridge was better which is ironic, since it was a redress of the Enterprise-D battle bridge (which was better than the main bridge, IMO.) But I still like the show.

And there are some great episodes from the first two seasons, IMO. All of the ones with Q were good. There was another enemy that nobody in TOS could have touched, because even Trelane wasn't that powerful. I especially like Q Who? (the first one with the Borg) because it was really dark and you got to see just how malevolent Q could be. And there are some other great ones, The Battle, Peak Performance, A Matter of Honor, The Last Outpost, to name a few.
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