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Old October 27th, 2008, 07:18 PM   #41
Robert Simmons
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Default Re: Starship Exeter: Exeter Rising" Fan Story mini-series

Thanks. The plasma should look and move just like it did and be totally indistingusable from waht is seen in BOT.

Think of it as I'm trying to fool people with "counterfeitted effects" to act as a Trojan Horse to get under their "this is different radar". I want them to have a double take while watching it realizing this is new but not realizing it until after they watched it like "The Tressarian Intersection." Kindof a "Lost batch of 1967 / 1968 Desilu Trek episodes with Gene Roddenbury's TOS Trek fingerprints all over it top to bottom. My thinking is....if it is set in the Exeter timeline and should look it to be a seamles match to push the TOS universe forward. And I want to be sneaky and mess with their heads since the power is in the story. The brainscrew is how the story adds power to the old visuals...which I plan on noone to be expecting given how alot of later Trek is and alot of recent views tha TOS was lame. I intend to blow that point of view out of the water. I want to supplement the TOS Trek uinvierse to where it is TOTALLY indistinguishable from TOS down to the last minute detail. That's the thing I want to throw everyone for a monumental all this crap hitting the fan in the mini-series I'm writing. It's alot and demanding using the old visuals....which should be a huge surprise to anyone if they ever get to watch it if it was done the way I'm hoping for. I'm confident that Gene Roddenbury would be proud since I think it represents the best of TOS Trek universe and sub-characters. But with the Exeter characters and ship. I want people's heads to explode and be caught totally off guard by the tinme they are finished with episode 12. But for now I've shelved the writing of 8 - 12 to kick out into the open some visuals to hook people into reading it.

You ought to see the shot I am getting ready to story board for the opening sequence for the second story. My story editor Jim Bray is chomping at the bit and pestering for me to get something done on it. I may start doing the hand drawn animation on it tonight. HE says the second sequence you planned on animating wit hthe Exeter cutting acros the attack formation, and the opening shot of my second story is what he is salivating to see done.

I'll guess you'll have to read it to understand what I am trying to do. Maybe while you're waiting for the renders to get done.:laugh:

Last edited by Robert Simmons; October 27th, 2008 at 07:30 PM..
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