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Old November 3rd, 2008, 08:05 AM   #133
Robert Simmons
Robert Simmons's Avatar
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Default Re: Starship Exeter: Exeter Rising" Fan Story mini-series

I haven't forgotten the human aspect in the storyboards and want them there. I haven't drawn in 20 years and am trying to shake off being rusty by doign the ship shots first. That way I'll be in better form when I pencil animate the animatics. I want to do pencil first to nail down what I want to do. the reason why I went to taking pics of the models so they wouldn't look so cartoony and look closer to what I want for the finished shot. I'm tryng to be reasonable in budgeting my goals against current available rescources. I'm trying to be realistic in setting ghoal that I can accomplish that i serious think that are within my reach. And for now having the actual actors and the actual sets and the crew needed to shoot all I want live is not available to me. But my ship miniatures are. And hopefully soon the CGI models will be too and my being able to know how to use them. So that is why for now I am placing priority on the ship shots and putting the character live action shots later.

I'm pushing for a MAcbook around taxtime. And I am seriously thinking of getting it on payments with Lightwave and Poser tossed in as well. But I don't know how the wife will take that since she is also getting fed up with her machine and wanting to get a new one. But she wants windows and I want my own mac. if it wasn't for the transmission going out on our van last year 1 week before I was to purchase my mac, I would have already had it. But I had to use the tax return money to pay for the transmission since our van is the only vehicle for our familiy transportation. So I am hoping that he will respect my sacrifice from last year. Otherwise there is gonna be some serious tnesion between me and the wife. I have goals. And it doesn't sret well with me if they get set back due to her inconsideration. ( which doesn't happen often. But this would be a "BIGGIE" wit hme is she did. I seriously hope not...)
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