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Old December 28th, 2010, 11:40 AM   #21
Darrell Lawrence
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COOL Re: V the new series

Originally Posted by Fretslayer View Post
Having said that, I think that the best way to see the new 'V' is to catch the old one when they do a marathon on SciFi. I watched the old one when it was originally airing... The word masterpiece doesn't even come close to my lips when I discuss it. LOL!
Why? I own the DVDs

Originally Posted by Fretslayer View Post
I think that what they've done with the new version is taken the best elements of the original show and cut away a lot of the cheese and obvious aliens=nazi themes that didn't work. IMO.

The characters in the new show are interesting and multidimensional as well.

Plus, the scenes where Anna rehearses how to appear compassionate or something else (when her plan is to use that false emotion to hook the hearts of the stupid masses) are some of the best. The way the actress (can't recall her name because it's something weird to me) goes from say... Empathy for your loss to black-soul malevolent in 1.5 seconds is brilliant.

I can't wait for the show to come back.
I hope they don't suffer from what we call in the music business 'Sophmore Syndrome'.
Of course the Nazi stuff doesn't work today. Look when the original was made.

Today it'd be terrorist crap.

For the time period the original was made, masterpiece DOES come to mind

Cripes... TOS Trek wouldn't work today either. Hence the nuTrek in the TOS era.

One made you use brains. The other is action fodder. Guess which is which? And I liked both.
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