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Old February 1st, 2011, 03:28 AM   #21
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Default Re: Star Trek: Retribution

Originally Posted by tnpir4001 View Post
@evil_genius: Specter was a WIP for almost four and a half years, it was started in August 2006 and it was finished right after New Year's 2011. As for the voice cast, the names that appear in the credits are people who auditioned and were cast for various parts, however there were complications and I decided not to move forward. (Long story short, I let myself get pressured into doing a casting call before I was ready, and then when the time came for my voice actors to do their part, many of them didn't; and rather than go through the whole process again, I decided to simply chalk it up as a learning experience and move on. I won't make that same mistake again--some of the folks I cast in Specter have been nagging me to send them scripts, but based on the number of rewrites I did in Specter before it was finished, that's not going to happen until a full cut of Retribution is complete)

And I'm just curious...there's one scene in Specter that split the fan base right down the middle, and that's Scene 38, "The Holodeck," right after Reyf visits Garr's old office, in which the good captain finally cracks the case. How did you like that part?
yes its a problem at the best of time with team efforts some don´t follow through. pity

its enjoyable anyway ..

I will have to want the holodeck scene again.
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