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Old March 19th, 2011, 12:54 AM   #1
JasonBlack's Avatar
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Default Jedi Knight: Jedi Betrayal

A Jedi Academy Modification.

I'm working with a small team of Quake 3 engine modders, making a mod for Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy and we're looking to recruit talented and creative people to work long hours on often difficult parts of the project. It's seriously fun though!

We need:

3D animators
2D texture artists
Low and high poly modellers
Digital and traditional concept artists

...And so on.

If you're a Star Wars fan or just good at what you do and interested in being part of a cool team and talented enough to have found 3D Gladiators then we could definitely use you! Naturally there is no money involved, service is it's own reward! You will get full credit and a lot of creative control over your work. We can provide all the support needed if you aren't familiar with the game itself.

You can apply here: Jedi Betrayal Forum

(Note to moderators: Am new to forums - please edit as you see fit. Credits will include of course!)
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