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Old August 30th, 2011, 04:13 AM   #304
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Default Re: Star Trek: Retribution

@evil_genius: that's a blooper that's not confined to this scene, it's just more noticeable here because of the reflective floor (it draws your eye to the floor in a way earlier scenes didn't). It's actually been happening since Scene 4 (when Prentice first steps off the turbolift onto the bridge that first time, before Reyf shows up), I just didn't catch it until a lot later. It is on the list of needed fixes, but it's such an endemic problem that it's one of those things I'll have to go back and fix after principal production is finished.

@bryguy: same way we had 'em on SFM, just bracket the word "spoiler" to start, and then "/spoiler" (also with brackets around it) to end it. I'm going to guess this has to do with how anyone could know about the original timeline now that we're in an alternate history?

I actually never considered any alternatives for how this scene went down (except for the possibility of it being Ronston instead of Garr). Aside from the fact that as you say, I wanted to work this thing in again (it's been majorly updated since last time), it was the key to solving the mystery last time, and it seemed only fair that Prentice might want to try to see what Reyf saw. (And truthfully, showing it on a screen wouldn't have nearly the same impact as this does). We've done scenes in the ready room enough times by now that it's boring to me as a filmmaker, likewise the observation lounge. And remember, just having Garr shimmer into existence in Prentice's ready room would be beyond creepy and would probably forestall any reasonable conversation between them. It still unnerves him here when Garr just shows up, but not enough that it derails the conversation.

And most of all, nothing in the ready room could compare to the powerful visual of the holodeck shutting down, and Garr telling Prentice that "This is all we'll be left with if we don't stop Drakus" as they stand in the empty room.

Last edited by tnpir4001; August 30th, 2011 at 02:04 PM..
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