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Old August 30th, 2011, 01:07 AM   #303
Shuttle Pilot
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Location: Sacramento, CA
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Default Re: Star Trek: Retribution

I know you really like your Price is Right set, but I wanted to offer an alternative for your consideration. Have you considered just having Prentice in his ready room, or his quarters even reviewing the program on a monitor, almost like in an EDIT mode of sorts? You’d still get to throw the PIR set up on a screen and then have Holo Garr shimmer in and lead off with “I saw someone accessing the program…”

If you want to keep it on the holodeck, then please consider chopping off the first minute of the sequence. It’s just the PIR theme song and random panning across the set. It doesn’t seem necessary and can possibly take the viewer out of the story. If memory serves, you did the set intro sequence already in Spectre. My suggestion would be to open the scene with the computer beep, no music, just Prentice looking around in thought, then have Holo Garr come in and it can play out as it currently does. Once I got past the theme song, I thought it was a really well done scene.

As soon as I can figure out how to use spoiler tags, I have an additional question about how some knowledge came to be regarding one of the big reveals.
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