Thread: USS Tamerlane
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Old October 12th, 2008, 06:36 AM   #10
Fretslayer's Avatar
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Default Re: USS Tamerlane

Perhaps I see the whole 2D/3D thing in the manner I do because I was a 2D artist who, if not for CG(3D) would have lost my ability to create art. I see CG as a blessing to me because it allows me to keep being the artist I would otherwise have lost.

Good for you for downloading a few of the meshes and playing around with them. There is nothing wrong (nor it it cheating ) with learning a new way of expressing your art or learning a new tool. Think of it like you would if you were to go from 'ink and paper' to 'paint and canvas'.

As for your unique bits of your ship - that's way cool actually. I like that the little custom things that make a mesh 'one of a kind' so to speak.

And also if you need one of the meshes you've downloaded to be tweaked here -n- there I'd say there is a pretty good chance you might be able to get one of the modelers here to help you with it. This place really does have some awesome people who are willing to help.

You might just ask and see if one of them can help you.
If I were a better modeler I would -with that in mind I'd say your chances of getting some help with it are pretty good.

As for the distain between 'traditional' and 'computer' animation/artists... Man, the same thing happened with silent film actors and those bastards in the 'talkies'. Same thing with special effects as well. You'll always have people who think 'the old way is the only way' and that's their right... But for me, the art is the beauty - not the tools it was created with.

I'm going to share a little test footage from my Trek animation over in the 'Animations' thread. My ship (the Nostromo) is the Phase 2 ship with 1701-A nacells (instead of the ones that came with the P2) because a) I like them better and (b) that is my little thing to make my ship different from anybody else who used the P2 ship. Like them windows you have.

I see that you're in Japan.
Might I ask what part of the country?
I sooo want to visit there someday.
When I was a little kid (around 5-6) I told my parents that one day I was going to grow up, move to Japan and design monsters for Toho Studios. LOL!
Ah, the dreams of childhood!

Last edited by Fretslayer; October 12th, 2008 at 06:49 AM..
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