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Old October 18th, 2008, 02:07 AM   #70
Fretslayer's Avatar
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I guess I'm lucky that I don't get the 'jerk' sitting next to me.
Then again I am 6'2 and look like I can rip your skull out. LOL!
I scare people in public. LOL! -- Really. LOL!
Not that I try to, just that I am quite a presence when I enter the room.

I have Netflix too but I get 3 DVDs at a time and I go through a lof of them as well.
I can't even keep up with how many I view in a month.
Plus I have this crazy fiber option digital cable with something like 500+ channels.
The funny thing is that most of what I watch on TV is educational anyway.
Well, that or SciFi.

Perhaps one of the reasons I still go to the theater to see films is because in some small way I feel like I'm helping to pay the gaffer or the best boy or some other nameless grunt who spends all day huffing heavy objects around and gets no thanks.

Without a road crew a band can't do a live show and it takes more guys setting up/tearing down then it does to actually put on the show. I sort of feel for them and so I feel for the dudes who do the same thing for the film industry.

I have a pretty massive collection of DVDs as well and I find that I'll go through phases.
Like, I'll get on an 'old black-n-white' horror/scifi kick and I'll watch nothing but them for a few days.

Since I've been working on animating scenes on the TOS-TMP2 bridge I've been playing 'ST2:TWoK' daily and trying to take in as much as I can when they show the bridge of the Enterprise. So I guess I also use the TV for reseach. LOL!
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