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Old November 10th, 2001, 03:31 PM   #1
Zanith's Avatar
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Default Hunting in the Myst

Here is a bit of writing I have done for a Star Wars group. In the scene, the Imperial Senior Grand Admiral Zanith is on the planet Carnos, hunting for Jedi Knight Anya. Seeking to fulfill his path to the dark side our darkened Grand Admiral finds that he is hunted rather than the hunting . . . . ENJOY!

Ext. Carnos Surface.

The chill of the wind slipped past Zaniths' robes, blowing
them about lazily. His crimson eyes scanned the forest around him. In
the distance lay the Star Destroyer with Fono patrolling the outer
edges of the craft. Zanith could see in the distance two platoons of
Stormtroopers marching into danger. The leader amongst them began to
spread them out. Zanith watched closely as each of his mean became
torn from the groups, forced to go on their own. Some plunged into
the darkness unworried. Some, however, knelt to the ground, creeping
slowly, panning the area with their blaster rifles in sync with their
eyes. Zanith watched silently, narrowing his crimson eyes. A soft
rustle of the leaves in the canopy began to stir above, blinding the
men from hearing any silent, skilled predators. This was good.
Slowly Zanith stepped through the foliage, crunching twigs and leaves
under his boots. Zanith searched for a near by creature, a predator.
However, the planet seemed to be abundant with life, almost too
abundant to focus on one entity until it was too hear. Zanith
stretched out his feelings, until he found something. And he did.
There was something watching him. It was stalking in the distance. He
sensed more similar entities, closing in on his men. They were being
Swiveling his head to the right, Zanith could see his men had broken
apart, some of them completely out of his enhanced vision. He
channeled his forced back to his stalker. It had grown suddenly
stronger, the entity was advancing. Channeling the Force, Zanith bent
all shadows and light around him, making him hard to detect to the
naked eye. He perked his ears, listening for the creature. A slight
bending of a tree-limb came from above. Ah . . . It had advanced on
him and was ready to spring a trap. He could hear a muffled reptilian
growl as it sat above him. He could sense it looking down on him,
with its' claws extended or weapon drawn. This creature was smarter
than Zanith had thought.

The Sith walked forward, seeming not to notice the creatures'
presence. The creature tilted its' head in curiosity as it watched
the robed figure move away. Its' forward half lay draped in shadows
as the moonlight spewed in from behind him. In the distance, where
its' own shadow would lye; it was cloaked by the shadows of the
canopy above, which swayed across the moist earth. It felt as if it
had almost been discovered – apparently it had not. A small string of
saliva streamed from its' fanged jaws, dropping into the moist grass
below. Sitting on its' right arm was a pair of blades, dagger in
length with curved blades. They were more than enough to tear any
prey to shreds - especially their hated Kra.
The creature huddled itself tighter against the branch of the tree.
Its' amber-reddish eyes focusing on the figure of Zanith below. Even
though the Sith altered its' ability to be seen, this predator had
hunted enough to know what to look for – especially in Sith. The
exiting chemicals of the hunt pulsed through its' veins, which
swelled underneath its' tough, reptilian skin, which began to gather
a due, causing its' skin to glisten in the dim light. The hunter knew
it could wait no more and it leaned forward, preparing for the blow.
Suddenly, with a roar, the beast hurtled itself into the air, aiming
straight for Zanith. The two bodies collided, slamming into the soft
earth. Zaniths' bearded face smashed into the grass as he bellowed in
pain. The creature sat on top of Zanith, its' blades slashing down
onto of his robes. As the creature presses its' muscular legs harder
onto Zaniths' body, the creature turns its' head to the sky,
bellowing in triumph. Several more roars echoed through the dense
foliage in response causing several more of the creatures to leap
after the scattered stormtroopers. Blaster-fire combined with roars
and screams filled the forest, echoing amongst the masses of trees.
Birds shrieked a in terror and took to the moonlit sky.
The victorious hunter looked down at the body beneath it. Its'
reddish-amber eyes widened in shock and terror at the site – the body
of the Sith had disappeared. Even the the ground seemed untouched,
untarnished from the impact of the two bodies. Its' head twirled left
and right, sending bits of saliva shooting off in random directions.
Rage boiled within the creature as it searched desperately for an
answer. Suddenly, there was a whisk of a lightsaber coming to life
behind him. It was then that it reached it was all an illusion. The
creature bowed down its' head, realizing it was over. A blade of
light sliced through the reptilian skin, tearing the body of the
creature in half. Zanith looked down on the steaming corpse in the
dim moonlight, smiling.

Grand Admiral Zanith: "You would have made a wonderful apprentice,"
he uttered coldly.

Looking down at the creatures interesting weapon, Zanith
sliced off the hunters' hand, taking it and the blades with him.

What do ya think?
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Old November 10th, 2001, 11:30 PM   #2
General Phoenix
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My only notes: You use a lot of " its' " - unless you mean "it is", there's no apostrophe required. Also, there are a couple of lines during the creature's attack where you switched to present tense, while the rest of the story was in past tense. However, that's just the editor in me - I loved the story itself, and the mind trick Zanith played was quite interesting - reminds me of using a Holoduke when I played Duke Nukem 3d.
-= 3D Gladiators Administrator Emeritus and Long-Suffering Dallas Cowboys Fan =-
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Old November 10th, 2001, 11:41 PM   #3
Zanith's Avatar
Posts: n/a

This was the rough draft, I have not yet edited it. I am aiming for an interesting, new writing style. Thanks for the notations. Also, I use its' instead of its in the sake that I was taught some weird form of english and I heard it is proper to use an apostrophy when being possesive of its. Anyways . .. THANKS!
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