View Full Version : MATRIX RELOADED (spoilers most likely included)

June 7th, 2003, 10:42 AM
I can't believe nobody's even mentioned Matrix Reloaded. What is it? Has everyone gone to some other forum and not mentioned it to anyone else?

Anyway, Matrix Reloaded is FANTASTIC! I had to watch it twice to think that, because its quite confusing for me anyway, when I first watched it. It seemed like there were too many fight scenes, and although I still think that, I also think that its also necessary to have them.

My favorite is the Car scene battle, but... on my second watching, when Neo is fighting Agent Smiths, did anyone notice the graffiti on the walls. One said "One", another said "1300" which in 24 hour clock is "1:00" or "one". There were tons of little things that if you don't look close enough, you don't see. Like, when they're entering the restaurant, its called "101" which is binary code.

June 8th, 2003, 01:48 AM
Yes, matrix Reloaded is awesome. I didn't watch it twice, but I'm sure that I'll watch it a lot more often when the DVD comes out. :D

Anyway, did you notice more little things or eastereggs? Or did anyone else?

- Nimmy

June 8th, 2003, 03:22 PM
Nobody else did, but I'm definately going to see it again, to see if anything else pops up. I did watch the whole Agent Smith vs Neo, and the first time I saw it, I noticed the stunt doubles' faces, that sorta put me off that fight scene, in some ways. I can't wait though, cause the DVD comes out in October (but I'm probably going to see if its a 2 disc, like I did with Matrix).

Thomas P
June 8th, 2003, 09:12 PM
I saw the various 'binary' tags and mentioned to the folks I went with - they missed it. I thought I saw a flub on the digital dubbing with one of the Smiths where the real stunt guy was not 'masked' but figured it was just a bad CGI character.

The car scene is awesome! I was watching a RELOADED special on STARZ that said it took 16 months for the whole thing to be done when the CGI was factored in. I have not gone back yet but plan to as they are now showing the IMAX version at the google-plex :) near me. I want to listen more carefully to some of the quick banter in the resturant. I know I missed some of it as I laughed through a good part of it.

p.s. Cargile
October 28th, 2003, 09:05 PM
I just rented it and watched it three times, especially to figure out what the Architect is telling us and coupling that with what Agent Smith tells Neo in the first one. Especially with Neo's antics at the end, I would place my bets that they are in a matrix all the time, the Matrix nested into a metamatrix. The Architect informs us that a small percentage of humans resist the Matrix, and cause trouble. Compare this to Smith's analogy of humans being a virus. We have a intergrated complex system of computer programs infected with viruses that are the eventual evolution of heuristic AI processes. In order for the system not to fail, these viruses have to be allowed to propogate in order to acheive the wanted results of the program. In other words, if the program were rewritten to avoid such uprising, the program would not be able to give the programmer the desired results. So to keep these renegage human viruses from causing trouble, they are either deleted by the Agents, or the more intelligent ones are rerouted to a safe folder in the metamatrix--Zion.
The Architect gave Neo the choice of resetting the system--emptying out the Zion folder and starting anew (hence the name Neo) in which the prophecy would be recycled--or crashing the system.
I can explain why Neo seems so normal in the metamatrix. The metamatrix operates on machine language. This language has to be interpreted for software, which uses other languages, to be executed. In the Matrix, Neo can do his superstunts because he has learned the language of the software running the simulation and can rewrite it. In the metamatrix--or aboard the ship or in Zion--since he believes he is in the real world, he hasn't learned the machine language, until the end of the movie.