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FAdmMinosh January 30th, 2001 01:39 PM

U.S.S. Alexander - Part One
Welcome to the U.S.S. Alexander installment one. http://www.3dgladiators.net/workforu...es/biggrin.gif Well as some of you remember my first ever model was of a Daedalus class and if you remember it was defiantly in need of help (it wasn't even textured http://www.3dgladiators.net/workforu...lies/smile.gif). But anyhoo I've started a new project, and in this project I'm going to attempt to follow the Alexander name up through the ST timeline. So I decided that the first ship to bear the name Alexander would be a Daedalus Class. Well this caused me to go back to my first model and well...weep. So started the ground up building of my Daedalus. This time I used the best reference material I could find and I think this is pretty accurate (well, it's not too bad http://www.3dgladiators.net/workforu...lies/smile.gif) So here it is, the U.S.S. Alexander - Part One...




A man's reach should exceed his grasp, for what else are the stars for.

A 3-D Gladiator
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skyhawk223 January 31st, 2001 12:41 AM

I like it. Nice work.

Masao January 31st, 2001 06:35 AM

My only problem is the transition from the cylindrical part of the secondary hull to the part where it narrow down to the deflector. There should be a sharp break there. I don't know whether this is just a trick of the lighting.

About the font. I think for this ship Greg Jein and the encyclopedia used Microgramma Bold Extended rather than the US Navy font. Also, some of the "strengthening bands" on the hull and nacelles go over rather than under the markings, I think.

FAdmMinosh February 1st, 2001 03:22 PM

Thanks for the compliment Skyhawk http://www.3dgladiators.net/workforu...lies/smile.gif

Now on the the model, about the the secondary hull. That's a trick of the lighting and texture. When I have it under the really bright light (100%) it's very sharp. About the Microgrmma Bold Extended font, well I didn't use it because I don't have it. I actually used AmarilloUSAF font (it's the best I've got). As for the strengthening bands, execpt for the double large bands on the neacells, the markings go over the bands, which you can see if you look closely at this pic...

Keep the comments coming! http://www.3dgladiators.net/workforu...es/biggrin.gif

A man's reach should exceed his grasp, for what else are the stars for.

A 3-D Gladiator
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3D Gladiators, modeling the TOS world</A>

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