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Darrell Lawrence July 3rd, 2008 02:39 PM

Space Channel Commercials
I thought I had posted the following here way back when, but I guess I didn't...
The Space Channel has responded to fandom once more. These folk rock!

Darth Maul

AVI FORMAT (uses Xvid)

MP4 FORMAT (for Quicktime, uses mp4 compresion)

ADDED BONUS: Facehugger!

AVI FORMAT (uses Xvid)

MP4 FORMAT (for Quicktime, uses mp4 compression)

Right click and Save As.

Be sure to stop by their official website and thank them!

And now:

Ok, boys and girls... time to show some appreciation! :)

I received the following e-mail:


Hi Darrell,

How are things?

A short film that I sent you a while back, "Catching Up With Darth Maul" is a finalist in the 2008 Star Wars Fan Film audience choice award.

The voting ends on July 10, & I need your vote. George Lucas will reveal his favorite fan movie on July 24.
Here is the link: www.starwars.atom.com
Once you are there, look for the title “Catching Up With Darth Maul” (The guy with the red head)
Click on the movie, watch it & vote. You will have to sign up to make it official.
There is only one vote per computer, so vote with as many computers as you have and please forward it to anyone you can.

Thanks for your support!

Gord McWatters
Creative Director SPACE Channel/Drive-In Classics
The Space Channel are the ones that gave us the favorite Out of Work Cylon commercial, so let's give them that "Pay back time!" and help 'em out :)

Lee July 3rd, 2008 06:08 PM

Re: Space Channel Commercials
done! good luck :)

varsaigen July 7th, 2008 09:45 PM

Re: Space Channel Commercials
the one they mentioned in the letter was the best by far. :P I saw the "Ultimate Fan Movie" and the "Trials of the Sith". Trials of the Sith was only good in the second half but the ending sucked. "Catching up with Darth Mual" was the best by far. Congrats!

FleetCommander July 21st, 2008 09:09 PM

Re: Space Channel Commercials
This is a stupid question...where is The Space Channel?

Dawg July 22nd, 2008 12:31 PM

Re: Space Channel Commercials

Originally Posted by FleetCommander (Post 254343)
This is a stupid question...where is The Space Channel?

Not stupid. You wouldn't necessarily know if you hadn't been part of the discussion a couple of years ago.

It's a Canadian station that specializes in science fiction, unlike the US cable channel called "Sci-Fi".

I am

Darrell Lawrence July 22nd, 2008 07:41 PM

Re: Space Channel Commercials
Only two more days til the winner is announced.

Darrell Lawrence February 17th, 2011 11:18 AM

Re: Space Channel Commercials
BTW, he didn't win, from what I can see.

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