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Darrell Lawrence December 14th, 2012 10:56 AM

27 People Dead, Mostly Children, at Connecticut Elementary School Shooting


Great Spirit,
Protect our children.
Keep them safe from harm.
And those who would do them harm.
Our children are our future.
They carry all that we are
And all that we will be.
We, their Elders are often limited
In our abilities to protect
Their gentle hearts,
Their innocence,
So, we ask for your help.
We also ask that you comfort those
Who have lost their children today.
No parent should suffer this pain, this insurmountable loss.
Nothing, not one thing, not one person can cure the grief when one loses a child, an innocent.
We ask that you not allow us to wander far from this knowing, this understanding of the pain that any one of us can feel from one beat of our heart to the next.
While some of us can breathe a sigh of relief because it was not our child who was harmed today, let us not ever forget that we do not know what lies ahead.
Do not ever allow us to count our blessings by looking at the unfortunate circumstances of our sister or our brother.
Great Spirit, please hear my prayer.


evil_genius_180 December 14th, 2012 11:21 AM

Re: 27 People Dead, Mostly Children, at Connecticut Elementary School Shooting
What the hell is wrong with people?! What did a bunch of children do to deserve this? I hope the police kill the other gunman once they find him, don't even let him surrender and go to trial. He'll just plead insanity and go for life in prison. However, the police can give him the sentence he deserves. And I'm not necessarily pro-death penalty, (but I'm not exactly against it either) but some people just deserve it.

It's so sad that children aren't even safe in school anymore.

Tenement December 14th, 2012 02:33 PM

Re: 27 People Dead, Mostly Children, at Connecticut Elementary School Shooting
We suffered the same thing in Scotland when a lunatic killed 16 kids and a teacher at a school in Dunblane. The average age of the kids in that class was 5 years old and words fail me when I read that such a horror has happened again. If you feel that you have such a rage at society then get help, call the Samaritans or talk to priest or any damn thing but leave the bloody guns at home. This makes me so angry.

Auditor December 15th, 2012 08:01 AM

Re: 27 People Dead, Mostly Children, at Connecticut Elementary School Shooting
My heart and soul is pouring out to the parents and children who lost their lives, as well as to the parents and children who have to endure such an unfair tragedy.

The same day in China.

Knife-wielding man injures 22 children in China

December 14, 2012|By Terril Yue Jones | Reuters

BEIJING (Reuters) - A knife-wielding man slashed 22 children and an adult at an elementary school in central China on Friday, state media reported, the latest in a series of attacks on schoolchildren in the country.

The man attacked the children at the gate of a school in Chenpeng village in Henan province, the Xinhua news agency reported.

“Man is the cruelest animal.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche

Darrell Lawrence December 15th, 2012 10:18 AM

Re: 27 People Dead, Mostly Children, at Connecticut Elementary School Shooting
WTF??? Damn.

evil_genius_180 December 15th, 2012 11:20 AM

Re: 27 People Dead, Mostly Children, at Connecticut Elementary School Shooting

Darrell Lawrence December 15th, 2012 06:28 PM

Re: 27 People Dead, Mostly Children, at Connecticut Elementary School Shooting
Remember these names and not the name of the monster:

Charlotte Bacon, 6

Daniel Barden, 7

Rachel Davino, 29

Olivia Engel, 6

Josephine Gay, 7

Ana Marquez-Greene, 6

Dylan Hockley, 6

Dawn Hochsprung, 47

Madeleine Hsu, 6

Catherine Hubbard, 6

Chase Kowalski, 7

Jesse Lewis, 6

James Mattioli, 6

Grace McDonnell, 7

Anne Marie Murphy, 52

Emilie Parker, 6

Jack Pinto, 6

Noah Pozner, 6

Caroline Previdi, 6

Jessica Rekos, 6

Avielle Richman, 6

Lauren Rousseau, 30

Mary Sherlach, 56

Victoria Soto,27

Benjamin Wheeler, 6

Allison Wyatt, 6

Source: Connecticut State Police

Darrell Lawrence December 20th, 2012 02:32 PM

Re: 27 People Dead, Mostly Children, at Connecticut Elementary School Shooting
Media needs to lay off the families.

evil_genius_180 December 20th, 2012 09:50 PM

Re: 27 People Dead, Mostly Children, at Connecticut Elementary School Shooting
What's really sick are the people who, since the shooting, have been arrested for threatening to do something similar. Granted, people who say things like that aren't usually the ones to actually go and do it, but it's still disturbing.

Starship January 2nd, 2013 10:19 AM

Re: 27 People Dead, Mostly Children, at Connecticut Elementary School Shooting
Unhappyness, events like this are common in USA. Looks like some sort of american paranoya I think. To much sad.

evil_genius_180 January 2nd, 2013 11:40 AM

Re: 27 People Dead, Mostly Children, at Connecticut Elementary School Shooting
What's even worse is that, since that shooting, people are buying assault rifles like crazy because they're anticipating a ban on sales of those in the near future. Like we need more guns out there. :nonono:

Dawg January 2nd, 2013 08:12 PM

Re: 27 People Dead, Mostly Children, at Connecticut Elementary School Shooting

Originally Posted by Starship (Post 268397)
Unhappyness, events like this are common in USA. Looks like some sort of american paranoya I think. To much sad.

This is a mistaken perception. Events like this are NOT common in the USA - they are far more common in places like Pakistan or Afghanistan. Mass shootings here are really quite rare, which is why so much is made of them when they do happen.

But yes, I agree and could not put it any better - Too much sad.

I am

Dawg January 2nd, 2013 08:25 PM

Re: 27 People Dead, Mostly Children, at Connecticut Elementary School Shooting

Originally Posted by evil_genius_180 (Post 268327)
What's really sick are the people who, since the shooting, have been arrested for threatening to do something similar. Granted, people who say things like that aren't usually the ones to actually go and do it, but it's still disturbing.

Copycats - people who want the kind of notoriety our media gives a shooter - and public jitters are why there was a spike in uniformed security all over the country immediately after the shooting. The empty threats (and they happened in every school system, and closed many schools) were made by would-be idiot comedians who should be kicked out of the gene pool.


Originally Posted by evil_genius_180 (Post 268398)
What's even worse is that, since that shooting, people are buying assault rifles like crazy because they're anticipating a ban on sales of those in the near future. Like we need more guns out there. :nonono:

That's because most people are aware that the coming ban - like the last one - will only address cosmetics and not the power or accuracy (or lack thereof) of the subject weapon. The AR-15 is also a fun gun to shoot. Put those things together, and why not get one while you can? Same with the "extended capacity" magazines.

And the coming "new" restrictions will have exactly the same effect on "gun violence" as the last one did. Which is exactly nothing. Zip, zilch, nada.

Band-aid measures like this allow our leadership to pat themselves on the back and claim they're doing something, when they're really just shoving the real problems under the rug. Again. And these innocent lives lost will not be allowed to be the catalyst for real, meaningful measures to prevent atrocities like this from ever happening again.

That's the real crime.

I am

evil_genius_180 January 2nd, 2013 10:09 PM

Re: 27 People Dead, Mostly Children, at Connecticut Elementary School Shooting
You mean The Brady Bill? Yeah, that did nothing. The "ban" was stupid anyway. You could still get the weapons that were banned, provided they were manufactured before the ban, so they weren't really banned, were they? Supposedly, you could only buy 10-round magazines for assault rifles, but they were made in the 20-round casings and could easily be modified to hold 20 rounds. (they sold mod kits online for them) Plus, pre-ban 30 round mags were easy to come by. Also, they sold assault rifles that were supposedly limited to semi automatic and 3-round burst fire modes. For one thing, semi automatic is the most accurate way to shoot, so that wasn't really a limit. Plus, for people who like to spray bullets and maybe hit something, it wasn't that hard to modify one of those weapons to full auto. I didn't know how to do it personally, but I knew some dudes when I was in the Army who knew exactly how to do it. I'm sure any new "ban" will be just as useless because the wimps in Washington are afraid to piss off voters on nearly every issue except the economy.

What we need are real gun laws with actual bans, like some countries have. I don't care about the 2nd amendment. That was written at a time when the US was mostly untamed and the only guns in existence were muskets. A skilled musketeer could fire 3 rounds a minute. That's it. Plus, muskets were notoriously inaccurate and couldn't fire very far. It's an outdated amendment. But, that's just my opinion.

The really sad part is, most people don't even start to complain about gun laws until a tragedy like this happens. Then they start crusading against the government to crack down on things like gun laws. Where were they before the tragedy?

Auditor January 3rd, 2013 12:28 AM

Re: 27 People Dead, Mostly Children, at Connecticut Elementary School Shooting
I live in the us. I don't own a gun. Not that I wouldn't. Closest I have is a airsoft gun.

This event like all the other school shootings and massacres are horrible. The loss of life is intolerable. The ages just are heartbreaking. I don't know if the kind of gun control laws would pass here like the ones that happened after the 1987 Hungerford massacre. The "gun culture" of the USA that of the UK never had wouldn't allow for it. Not with the power of the NRA, the gun lobby and the gun owners/voters. There are no easy solutions.

I skip this argument at home with my girlfriend. She thinks all guns should be banned. I do wish we could live in that world. It's not the one we live in.

I like my video games and my airsoft gun. I don't need a real gun. Maybe someday an incident will come when I wish I had a gun. But then there is the question of taking a life. Or maybe someone takes my life with my gun or there own life. Gun safety was an inportant issue in the Sandy Brook Massacre. More importantally the issue people have made this into it seem is Do civillians have a need for semiautomatic rifles.

I don't know. I haven't given the whole thing alot of thought. Most of my thoughts were about the event it's self and the children. The familys. Just makes you sick.

evil_genius_180 January 3rd, 2013 10:06 AM

Re: 27 People Dead, Mostly Children, at Connecticut Elementary School Shooting
Yeah, I focus on the victims when something like this happens also.

The sad truth is, even with tougher gun laws and real bans, things like this will still happen. If somebody is really intent on shooting people, they'll find a way to get a gun as easily as people can get illegal drugs. Right now, the majority of gun sales are taxed and regulated. If you ban guns, black market sales will skyrocket and all regulation and tax dollars will go bye bye. So, it's a great sounding idea to ban guns. However, once you weigh the practicality of it, you see that it won't work. Sure, it works in other countries, but those countries are a lot smaller than the US and probably don't have all of the gun advocates that we do.

Though, if it were up to me, I'd still ban them. I don't and won't own guns. Like Auditor, if I want to shoot something, I just play a video game. Also, I think I still have an Airsoft and a couple regular pellet guns around here somewhere.

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