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valiant_warrior January 13th, 2004 08:56 PM

Captains Log I..
Captains Log,
Stardate 59213.5

i don't know what the hell Starfleet was thinking..
assigning me to this ship.

in my starfleet career i've captained 14 Nx Prototypes,
and by my recommendation starfleet Mothballed 11 of them.

The Erie class was outdated the day after she left space dock..
the twilight class had her saucer ripped off when we tried the "New transwarp"
what a joke that bucket of bolts was..
and the Defiant class could hardly reach warp nine with out loosing half of her outer hull,
god knows how ben managed to fix that..

but this ship..
i heard about the slipstream tech and the failures aboard the Clinton and the Drumhead..
Captain Celestial was a friend of mine, but i'm not in any hurry to see him again..
why the hell they would try again so soon after all those deaths is beyond me.

End log.


valiant_warrior January 13th, 2004 08:57 PM

Captains Log,
Stardate 59216.1

this is the second night in a row that i've been awoken by the shipyard crew..
this time it was almost the last time, ever.

now i'm no slipstream expert, but i would think that you should check that the computer
that monitors core stability should be installed FIRST, before the core itself.

i think when this assignment is over i'll pull some strings and get transfered to something
a bit more.. stable.. safe.. maybe a shuttle craft patroling the neutral zone.

End Log.


valiant_warrior January 13th, 2004 08:58 PM

Captains Log,
Stardate 59217.2

Well.. i did'nt need more then four hours of sleep anyways.
the communications officer, a bolian ensign arrived this morning and decided that at
3 in the morning he'd make himself more familier with his station and the lay out of the comm panel,
and tapped into the communications of the starfleet-klingon wargames excersise 3 lightyears away..
then called Red alert beleaving there was a klingon invasion force heading for our sector.

but the good news is we've now set a new record for "Most Red alerts called by a ship in dock"

End Log.

valiant_warrior January 13th, 2004 08:58 PM

Captains Log,
Stardate 59218.4, Commander Benoit reporting.

The Captain was taken to sickbay aboard the stardock early this morning..
the yard workers were adjusting the SIF Grid and something went wrong,
the captains bed fell through the deck, right into holodeck 6.. while lt.commander hunter was running
a deep sea diving program.. all the captain kept saying on his way to sickbay was
"it was right on time.. it was right on time"

End Log.

valiant_warrior January 13th, 2004 08:59 PM

Captains Log,
Stardate 59223.7

in light of my reasont adventure through the floor the dock teams decided to
install the on-board sickbay systems ahead of schedual..
state of the art, really impressive.

nitters that can repair a broken bone in less then half the time as those designed just 2 years ago.
biobeds that have built in holo-vid display with a 200,000 title collection..
and a brand new EMH, which i got a chance to meet at 2 am last night.

it seems like this ship will also allow the emh to travel through out it..
as i found out when they test activated and it spawned in my bedroom last night,
missing its uniform screaming over and over "please state the nature of the medical emergancy"

End Log.

valiant_warrior January 13th, 2004 08:59 PM

Captains Log,
Stardate 59228.6

-Recorded under security lockout protocall beta332-

My 2nd in command, lt.commander Johnson was killed last night.
she was crushed to death by her own weight when the gravity systems malfunctioned in her quarters,
and i now must ask the question, has all these seemingly innocent screw ups been so innocent after all ?

maybe i'm being paranoid, but i'm calling for starfleet to send a special investigator as soon as i'm done
making this log entry.

End log.

valiant_warrior January 13th, 2004 08:59 PM

Captains Log,
Stardate 59236.4

The Special Invesigation officer left this afternoon,
did'nt find any thing to suggest that any of the weird events aboard ship
where caused with intent to harm.

in a way i almost wish he had found something,
someone that could be held accountable for lt.commander johnsons death.

i knew her when she was an Cadet on her first deep space assignment as apart of her
training with starfleet academy.. she deserved better then this, and it's my fault it happiend to her..
she requested this ship because i was in command of it and only for that reason.

End Log


valiant_warrior January 13th, 2004 08:59 PM

Captains Log,
Stardate 59247.5

it's a good thing that none of the crew aboard dislikes bananas..
for the last 3 days thats how everything tasted that came out of the replicator.

i first found out about the problem when i bit into my stake and potato dinner..
i thought i was going nuts untill my first officer hailed me and asked if i noticed something
weird about the food.

End Log.


valiant_warrior January 13th, 2004 08:59 PM

Captains Log,
Stardate 59249.1

Message received from star fleet command,
the U.S.S Soong is missing.
i can't remember anybody aboard that i might have known,
but i think my first officer did.. he's been quiet ever since we got the word.

starfleet has sent the Defiant and the Venture to investigate.

End Log


moovok January 14th, 2004 03:28 PM

What is this "holder for future post VIII?"

Chris B January 14th, 2004 04:33 PM

i assume he doesn't want anyone to interfere in his telling by posting inbetween his posts ;)

valiant_warrior January 14th, 2004 05:06 PM

lol, i welcome all feed back..
i just wanted to make it easyier to find the first volume of entrys :)


Coldheart January 14th, 2004 05:31 PM

:) i was inspired

General Phoenix January 14th, 2004 08:43 PM

U.S.S. Junkie?

Named after Robert Downey, Jr. I suppose. :)

You know what I always thought would be cool for a Sci-Fi story? Something about the development of a new technology (perhaps an FTL drive), and the people who worked together to create it. No aliens, no battles - just well-written characters and the little successes and failures of a bunch of engineers and dreamers. That's what popped into my head when I read the first log entry.

Keep 'em coming!

valiant_warrior January 15th, 2004 07:38 PM

lol @ replys :)
a fitting ship coldheart :)

thanks phoenix,
I hope/think that the continuing story will be along the lines you mention above. :)

also note,
i did'nt relize at the time but because i'm editing existing posts to
add to the story it does'nt give an indicator of a new post,
however the plan is to add one every day for the next while.
usualy in the late evening, between 9pm and 2am est.


General Phoenix January 16th, 2004 01:11 PM

Well, you can feel free to add a "bump" post to update us when a new entry is added. I'd hate to miss any of this - the "record for red alerts by a ship in dock" was a nice touch.

valiant_warrior January 16th, 2004 06:02 PM

Thanks :)
bump ! lol.


valiant_warrior January 17th, 2004 05:59 PM

bump ba da bump bump, bump bump ! :P


Proximo January 17th, 2004 07:01 PM

Oh lord... a naked EMH? *LOL* :D

General Phoenix January 17th, 2004 08:09 PM

Please tell me the EMH is now modelled after Elizabeth Hurley. :D

c_looney January 17th, 2004 08:53 PM

This stuff is too great...


valiant_warrior January 17th, 2004 11:46 PM

Thank you all for the replys :)

what the emh looks like..
well i'll leave that in the readers minds,
it could be a template based off of some hottie..
or it could be a emh mark 7 and have zimmerman's face again
beleaving that he's Finaly "got it right ! " ;P

as for more, tune in tomorrow.. :)

c_looney January 18th, 2004 10:26 AM

Or it could be worse still...it could still be Andy Dick.

valiant_warrior January 18th, 2004 09:39 PM

that would work with the whole screaming & naked concept.. lol..

ba ba ba,ba ba bump !

valiant_warrior January 19th, 2004 09:15 PM

To Bump or not to bump,
that for arth thou is thy question..

for if thou arth is to bump,
when will the bumping stop ?


scaramanga January 20th, 2004 02:35 AM

poor 2nd in command; what a way to go :p

Sess January 20th, 2004 07:15 AM

Re: Captains Log..
ROTFLOL sounds like a "punishment assignment" to me... :D
Like Starfleet is trying to kill him off, and he just won't die, stubborn as he is.

btw the thing with the deep sea and the bed going through the floor - you know that's BRILLIANT.

The next movie they should make should be "Star Trek: Scary Movie" or something :D :laugh: :evil:

moovok January 20th, 2004 03:14 PM

Two more posts left (sortof), I wonder if you're going to leave us with a cliffhanger or not? :D

Sess January 20th, 2004 03:28 PM


Originally posted by Coldheart
:) i was inspired

Change the name to USS Screwup, put some huge plasters and bandages in to hold the saucer together, and it'll be about as I imagine it :D :what:

valiant_warrior January 20th, 2004 11:10 PM

(this thing just ate my reply.. nutz)

Thank you all for the replys :)

Hey Sess..
when i wrote 59218.4 i thought to my self "how can i F' This guy up"..
but do so in an original way.. i came to the decision that it had to be in bed somehow and my imagenation took over from there.
i just started picturing it in my head and it basicly wrote itself :)

as for how much longer the story has to go..
Stay tuned ;)


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