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Guardian Of Paradise September 5th, 2001 10:47 PM

New X-Men

Has anyone looked at this?
I've flipped through it, and I'm not really impressed. The costumes are slightly interesting, but mainly disappointing. I don't know if it's the design, or the way they're done. (Jim Lee's version of the new costumes made them look somwhat innovative, but the regular penciled version look like the inflatible sumo-suits at fairs.) The White Queen is a lil entertaining, but she looks like a go-go dancer.

I do like the new Iceman. The long trenchcoat and "lookin normal" is different from anything else before.

Can you even call 'em "new"? Most of em are the first X-Men, or been around since the Super Size special vs. Krakoa.

I'm not impressed by this rewrite.
Maybe, Xavier's move to announce his mutantcy will add a lil fire to a dying series, but there's not much hope...

chrono September 6th, 2001 09:10 PM

Yeah the newer suits are pretty 'blow-up' dollish looking. Reminds me of bubble rap.

I really like the direction that they have Iceman(drake) going. He's the most under-developed character on any of the 'teams'. I truly thought they were going to give him better writing after his encounter with Frost, but that just never happened. :(

Guardian Of Paradise September 6th, 2001 11:49 PM

Really. You'd think someone that could flash-freeze central park into a glacier would get better props than he has. I thought that when he found out that he could transmute his body into ice, and that it offerend him a higher amound of damage tolerance, they'd play it up... but they took that point to take him out of the game for a LOOOOOONG time.

They haven't given him his own limited series since the early eighties, and it's way past Iceman's time to shine...

Guardian Of Paradise September 7th, 2001 12:05 AM

See, they don't look bad on Wolverine here... maybe it's the artist's version of this stuff...

chrono September 7th, 2001 12:59 AM

That first iceman really looks alot like a "WarLands" cover. Did LIQUID do the colors?

Guardian Of Paradise September 7th, 2001 10:11 PM

The cover was by some guy I've never heard of named Steve Uy. But the pages do have that "Warlands" anime-on-paper feel.

thomas7g September 7th, 2001 11:58 PM

Ya know that ice he generates on his body shoulda acted like ablative armor.


Guardian Of Paradise September 8th, 2001 12:48 AM

I guess they were so used to writing for his original snowman look, they didn't take the ice into factor.

chrono September 8th, 2001 03:00 PM

Tom they still can if they wanted too. Of course why bother though when he can turn himself completly into ice.

Guardian Of Paradise September 8th, 2001 03:16 PM

*shrug* I suppose it depends on what the writers intend on doing. The physics of these things changes by the issue.

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