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CaptainHawke July 1st, 2005 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by STEVEFRIARS
Pardon my ignorance, but assuming that I'm not a seasoned forum user, could you please explain what you mean by TFN and IESB?
And I've found the Dark Horizons website to be pretty reliable up till now.

TFN is TheForce.net

And I was asking what IESB was.

STEVEFRIARS July 5th, 2005 02:02 AM

Sorry - www.iesb.net.

megfunc July 8th, 2005 12:57 PM


STEVEFRIARS July 9th, 2005 07:32 AM


stayhigh July 21st, 2005 04:10 AM

I want to see early what kind of thing is sufficient as.:-)

kenposan August 6th, 2005 07:33 PM

tough to bring to the small screen I would think, but hey, the cartoon series was entertaining.

biotech September 11th, 2005 09:57 AM

I feel like I have waited most of my life for a star wars series, I only hope it can hold up to the anticipation.

Elminster_ZK September 12th, 2005 04:17 PM

Sorry, really I am, but both the Star Wars TV series are going to suck. You know it, and I know it. We can hope, we can dream, but the reality is that Lucas lost his mind and is running a great thing into the earth. IMHO, of course. :(

skyhawk223 September 13th, 2005 08:39 AM

So, tell us how you really feel....

Tibbetts September 13th, 2005 09:32 AM

Personally, I'm excited about this. I hope Lucas is able to bring it to TV. :D


McAfee2000 September 21st, 2005 11:56 AM

I just read that the Star Wars: Clone Wars will be an animated series. I suspect this is how the Star Wars universe will be expanded. :phaser:

dragonie October 17th, 2005 04:17 PM

oh my god... i just hope they dont let it go to... well i hope they keep the whole thing the same rather then what happened with star gate with teal'c getting hair...

jf3000 April 21st, 2006 11:26 PM

The tv series will be filmed in parts of Sydney, u want a part, u should here what the casting agents in sydney are saying to there clients, people are just so excited about the possibility of being in starwars.

batboy853 May 2nd, 2006 01:20 PM

does any one know when it will be going on air?

Northwatch June 2nd, 2006 07:04 PM

I'm afraid it is going to be like any other series I like, Lasts one and half season and just when it starts winning awards, the network will pull it. I hope it flys but I'm not holding my breath.

joelglaine July 20th, 2006 04:51 AM

It might be good if Lucas set up the story-arc and let others fill in the details. If they want to fill in some of the details of some of the other places in the galaxy, there's plenty of source material to bring to the screen in the SW universe. I have little expectations of good or bad at this point. I still remember: EWOKS stealing the sixth movie and ruining it, JARJAR Binks poisoning the first episode, and THE STAR WARS CHRISTMAS SPECIAL which was....like the holocaust. Absolutely nothing good came of it.

The high points of SW were so high, and the low points were SO very low. I'll wait and see. :rolleyes:

evil_genius_180 July 20th, 2006 10:02 AM

Dude, Ewoks rule!! C'mon, what's better than the over-confident Imperial forces having their asses handed to them by a bunch of stone-aged teddy bears? As for Jar Jar, I don't see why everyone's panties got in a wad over that one, I laughed my ass off when I watched that in the theater. Jar Jar is cool. A little comic relief is great.

Skullsplitter July 20th, 2006 05:29 PM

Lucas does need to get other writers & directors in on this project - the prequels prove that.

Good Sci Fi does not have to be kiddified - the sort of kids who like sci fi are very intelligent.

Oh! and Ewoks are best barbecued over a low heat, or kebabed with Jar Jar's eyeballs.

evil_genius_180 July 20th, 2006 09:58 PM

I agree that kidified scifi is an insult to kids. I grew up watching these movies and my favorite has always been Empire, which is the least kid friendly of them all. As for Jar Jar, I like a little humor in a movie, that's why I think he's funny. I was 20 years old when that came out, so I didn't look at that so much as a kid thing, but rather as your standard comic relief.

Now, onto the Ewoks. The Ewoks kick ass if you look past the cuteness to the irony of the situation. Here's the Empire, this group of badass soldiers with the latest in weapons and armor. Nobody screws with the Empire. They take over the Endor moon and pretty much ignore the Ewoks, becuase they're a bunch of spear-chucking primitives. Then, in the course of one battle, these spear-chucking primitives lay to waste an entire legion (I was in the military and believe me, a legion is frackin' huge) of the Emperor's best troops. These aren't your standard weekend warrior stormtroopers, these are the Delta Force of stormtroopers. And these little Ewoks took them down. Why? Because the Empire didn't see them as a threat and ignored them. Their own arrogance killed them. If that's not the very definition of ironic, I don't know what is.

joelglaine July 21st, 2006 04:18 AM

I do see the whole battle of Endor as VERY ironic! Not from the story either. I knew what went on BEHIND the scene. It was a corporate circuis horror!

The planet was intended from the beginning to be Kashyk, the wookie homeworld, first off. Then Lucas had kids, and he made the descision to add in whole cloth a new race that was "More cuddly, sort of like teddy-bears to appeal to the younger audience." What younger audience? His four year old daughter?

At the time it was viewed as a gross back-stabbing in the un-holy name of market-share and coporate greed. He kept the story unchanged otherwise (really?) and simply had the three foot tall Ewoks do with 'stone knives and bearskins' what seven foot tall Wookie warriors with Bowcaters and blasters would have done.

Then he marketed the unholy crap out of everything Ewok! Ewok Christmas Specials, Easter Specials, and Tv shows of animated Ewoks to make them even cuter. Ewok games, shows, lunchboxes, figures, underwear, clothes and everything else! It seemed that Star Wars itself was actually forgotten in the Ewok flood following the release of Return of the Jedi.

If you were twenty when Episode 1 came out, you missed the crap about the Ewoks. I was twenty-two when Return of the Jedi came out and still feel backstabbed after all these years.

THAT is why I hate Ewoks.

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