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tnpir4001 December 28th, 2012 07:37 PM

3DS Max and Component Drift
Hoping someone here can help me with this...

I'm working with MAX 2012 and I have a problem with 3DS exports. The scene I'm working with in MAX itself looks fine, but when I export to 3DS and then import into another program (in this instance, Bryce 7.1 and Deep Exploration 6), it looks like the mesh "blew up," for lack of a better word. The components will simply be all over the place and the exported mesh isn't useable. Take a look:


See what I mean? This is supposed to be a Sovereign-class starship that was custom-made for me. I can't export to OBJ because the UV mapping comes out wrong, and I know there's a way to fix this drift problem because the original mesh that this custom job is based on didn't do this when exported to 3DS.

So the question is, how do I fix this "component drift"?

Darrell Lawrence December 29th, 2012 03:02 PM

Re: 3DS Max and Component Drift
Are the parts collapsed or exploded in the objects tree prior to export?

tnpir4001 December 29th, 2012 03:12 PM

Re: 3DS Max and Component Drift
Negative--the object in MAX looks like it's supposed to.

Here's some additional information:

The mesh in question was natively made in MAX 2012, but was saved in 2010 format since that's what I've got. I tried resetting the objects' pivot points to the center of the object and re-exporting, which had no effect. Then I just tried resetting the pivot points and re-exporting, which seemed to do the trick.

Darrell Lawrence December 29th, 2012 06:14 PM

Re: 3DS Max and Component Drift
I've had Max files look like their suppose to in a Max scene, but when exported to 3DS, objects are missing or out of place because the mesh wasn't collapsed.

That's why I asked.

I'm not a Max user though.

tnpir4001 December 29th, 2012 06:16 PM

Re: 3DS Max and Component Drift
Just for future reference, how do I collapse a mesh?

evil_genius_180 December 29th, 2012 06:28 PM

Re: 3DS Max and Component Drift
Unfortunately, I'm not a Max user either. However, I've had plenty of models do this. Someone told me once that it has something to do with how it's built an export settings. Regrettably, that was years ago and I can't remember the specifics.

I don't know how many Max users frequent this forum. You may need to try somewhere else to find your answer.

Darrell Lawrence December 29th, 2012 06:45 PM

Re: 3DS Max and Component Drift
I sent a PM to a Max user over at Fleets.

Darrell Lawrence December 29th, 2012 08:47 PM

Re: 3DS Max and Component Drift
Yowch. Heard back from him and found out he hasn't used Max for a number of years. He doesn't know what the problem is.

evil_genius_180 December 29th, 2012 10:16 PM

Re: 3DS Max and Component Drift
Scifi-Meshes is the best place I can think of with a lot of Max users that may be able to help. There are quite a few people over there who use Max and I believe that's where I saw that explanation as to what causes that several years ago.

tnpir4001 December 29th, 2012 10:25 PM

Re: 3DS Max and Component Drift
Meh, I don't have anything to do with SFM these days. I never went back after that flap during the production of Retribution last year; haven't involved them with Redemption at all. I've got the information I need to fix this problem going forward, I'd just as soon leave it at that.

evil_genius_180 December 30th, 2012 10:00 AM

Re: 3DS Max and Component Drift
At least you got the information you needed. :)

Now, remember to mark this as "SOVLED" (oh wait, wrong forum. :lol:)

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