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gmd3d August 11th, 2010 05:05 AM

The Last Airbender movie
Recently saw the previews .. I think I will give this a shot in the cinema

anyone else going :biggrin:

I enjoy the cartoon when first shown .. original in many ways while some aspects puts me in mind of Monkey Magic from the 70s in there too. Son Goku in Japanese, Sun Wukong in Chinese. a fav of mine growing up.

(and if i was still growing up I would be taller)

Japanese television series Saiyūki (西遊記?), based on the classic sixteenth century Chinese novel Journey to the West by Wu Cheng'en.

I have a copy .. love reading it..

celticarchie December 28th, 2010 10:22 AM

Re: The Last Airbender movie
I watched this on DVD recently and really enjoyed it. It was nice to see a film take it's time, introduce its characters and be natural with it's plot.


gmd3d December 28th, 2010 10:29 AM

Re: The Last Airbender movie
I was disappointed I have to say, more a direction fault than acting one. it had some much promises ... I think the director let the story get away from him....

I forget his name.

IronRider February 28th, 2011 12:46 PM

Re: The Last Airbender movie
I thought this was a great movie. Could have been a little darker but good. Need to get it on Blu-Ray

gmd3d February 28th, 2011 01:06 PM

Re: The Last Airbender movie

Originally Posted by IronRider (Post 264754)
I thought this was a great movie. Could have been a little darker but good. Need to get it on Blu-Ray

Glad you enjoyed it..

I watched it the other night at a friends and thought the very same. a disappointing effort.

evil_genius_180 February 28th, 2011 07:39 PM

Re: The Last Airbender movie
It got the Razzie (Oscar parody awards) for "Worst Picture" and M. Night Shyamalan got "Worst Director." (he's been on a bit of a downward spiral since "The Sixth Sense")

I saw it a while back on DVD. I thought it was just OK, not really bad but also not super special either. The acting wasn't bad, the directing could definitely have been better and the special effects were so-so. All in all, it seemed like a movie that could have been much more than it was. FYI, I've never seen the cartoons and know nothing about them, so I don't know how it compares, though I've read that it's not a good adaptation of the cartoons.

gmd3d March 1st, 2011 01:42 AM

Re: The Last Airbender movie

Originally Posted by evil_genius_180 (Post 264763)
It got the Razzie (Oscar parody awards) for "Worst Picture" and M. Night Shyamalan got "Worst Director." (he's been on a bit of a downward spiral since "The Sixth Sense")

I saw it a while back on DVD. I thought it was just OK, not really bad but also not super special either. The acting wasn't bad, the directing could definitely have been better and the special effects were so-so. All in all, it seemed like a movie that could have been much more than it was. FYI, I've never seen the cartoons and know nothing about them, so I don't know how it compares, though I've read that it's not a good adaptation of the cartoons.

yeah .... I was not surprised.

I watch the cartoon when it was first shown and enjoyed it, it works on many levels.

they changed a few fundamental things in the film.

"like the Firebenders .... in the film they need a source .. burning wood or whatever..
but in the cartoon they donĀ“t . they generate the energy within using chi and using their arms or legs can project the energy in a direction which becomes fire or lighting energy. "

I also found the movement to control the bending in the film slow and not quite quick enough... is a small thing but it look like the directer could not handle the visual and live action elements to make it smoother.

but that is my take on it.

evil_genius_180 March 1st, 2011 09:49 AM

Re: The Last Airbender movie
Yeah, I'm not a huge M. Night Shyamalan fan to begin with. I like Signs and Unbreakable is OK, but all of his other movies that I've seen suck. This was actually one of the better ones but, like you said, I don't think he could handle the effects. This might have been his first movie with big effects like that in it, I guess it should probably be his last.

I can see why he did what he did with the Firebenders, so that the one who could conjure up the fire on his own stood out, but if that's now it was done originally, he probably shouldn't have done it. Unfortunately, he's not the first director to make that mistake when doing an adaptation and he most likely won't be the last.

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