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seanr December 16th, 2002 11:55 AM

Prometheus Class Corridors
I'm currently working on a corridor set for Sho's Prometheus class USS Encounter, to go along with the Nova class bridge I already did. He didn't like either the sovereign or Voyager designs (neither do I), so I decided to try somehting more remeniscent of the movie era. What I ended up with was something that could actually work quite well for an Excelsior or Ambassador class starship with just a few minor modifications, IMHO. At any rate, here are the pics:



Red alert:


And these are for all those who bitch about me never posting WIP shots: ;)



mercutiojb December 16th, 2002 01:58 PM

Jesus sean, you're on a roll latley.

seanr December 16th, 2002 02:35 PM

LOL, thanks!

Commodore-SirJohn December 16th, 2002 03:10 PM

Would you guys mind terribly if I used these for the Nottingham class, as well? They look just about exactly what I imagined for the Marshal Martz (though the wall panels would be a different color on each deck, like they were intended to be in TMP)...

BRUTUS December 16th, 2002 04:19 PM

Neato-skeato. What's Sho using all these for, anything in particular?

The railings (I like railings) look right except in relation to the doors. Do railings come halfway up to the door? You probably have it right.

Is the carpet done?

seanr December 16th, 2002 06:13 PM

There curently is no carpeting, just the metal deck. ;) Carpeting is next up. Te railings could be moved down a little, I suppose, but not much. The problem might actually be the height of the doors. I've got to mess with it a bit more as you can see. ;)

FCapt-SirJohn, if Sho doesn't mind, what I could do for you would be a redress of this set. The changes would have to be significant enough for it to be a distinctly different set appearing to be on a diferent ship and not merely a different section of the same ship (so making the panels carpeted alone wouldn't suffice). What I would do is change most (if not all) of the textures, brighten the lighting, change the railings, change the door designs, make the light panels at the bottom whole panels like TMP instead of half metal, and add your color coding. That'd be about the minimum you could get away with. I could do that for $50. BTW, here's a few shots of those walls in TMP.


Sho's using these for an RPG manual, IIRC.

Boh_iNfecTeD December 16th, 2002 07:53 PM

You don't happen to have any TOS corridor refs... would you sean?

Michael_T December 16th, 2002 11:55 PM

Yay! Finally something for the USS Prometheus. Looks good so far, but will that open corridor panel hold an EPS conduit, medical supplies, circuitry, or space suits?

Trek December 17th, 2002 04:07 AM

Very cool.

cardinalbiggles December 17th, 2002 05:12 AM

Very, very nice, Sean.

Is there any other lighting for the corridor during Red Alert other than the tracer lights down the middle of the walls and the middle of the ceiling? How would one of these halls be illuminated when the lights blinked off? I guess what I'm really trying to get at here is whether you've turned off the standard lights, or just dimmed them a whole lot. :confused:

seanr December 17th, 2002 06:42 AM

The standard lights are dimmed, and I don't think I'm going to make the tracer lights blink (maybe just the ones in the ceiling). The computer panels to the right will have alert graphics, part of which may blink or otherwise change.

cardinalbiggles December 17th, 2002 09:39 AM

^So there's going to be an animation of the corridor set?

seanr December 17th, 2002 10:44 AM

Probably not, but if I feel inspired and have a few days worth of rendertime to spare, I _might_.

Bogdan December 17th, 2002 12:23 PM

Now to analyse those pictures… :D
It looks maybe too much like TNG? Or that was the idea?

seanr December 17th, 2002 06:38 PM

That was the idea actually. A cross between TNG, TMP, and a _very_ faint hint of Sovereign, actually.

Commodore-SirJohn December 17th, 2002 11:20 PM

That's the idea I had. Unfortunately, my finances right now preclude me from commissioning any sets (which is also why I haven't commissioned a bridge for the Marshal Martz). :(

What I'll probably end up doing is building my own version in Lightwave. I just wish I could get some good tutorials on interiors. Lighting is no problem for me; it's actually building the walls and consoles (not to mention texturing, which I couldn't do to save my life...) that's my biggest problem...

BRUTUS December 18th, 2002 04:43 AM

Sean, I was looking at an episode of TNG and the railings are noticeably lower than the halfway point on the doors. I don't know if you want to bother with it though.

I also thought it would be cool if the railings had subtle backlighting than you could see in the dark. They'd have to be some kind of battery powered thing if the rest of the lights were off.

Do you remember the corridor set from either The Naked Now or the ship that brought Sisko and Jake to DS9 in the pilot? I think the Naked Now was a redress, but it might have been a complete new set. And I can't even remember on the DS9 one. All I know is I thought one of them looked cool. I think one of them had a double tall panel in place of two. I'm not sure.

Blip December 18th, 2002 06:23 AM

They used backlit railings on the Ent-E, too. In fact, that was one of the very few things I liked about the new corridor sets. But what was WITH all those damned little panels? Why couldn't they have stayed with a similar design to the one that had OBVIOUSLY WORKED since TMP?!?

"I know engineers, they love to change things!"

mercutiojb December 18th, 2002 07:47 AM

Yea, anyone have vidcaps from the DS9 pilot?

seanr December 18th, 2002 07:50 AM

I'd like to see that, too.

cardinalbiggles December 18th, 2002 08:36 AM


Originally posted by BRUTUS
Do you remember the corridor set from either The Naked Now.... I think the Naked Now was a redress, but it might have been a complete new set.... All I know is I thought one of them looked cool. I think one of them had a double tall panel in place of two. I'm not sure.
I also think "The Naked Now" was a re-dress, and that was the one with the double-tall center panel, instead of it being bisected by the tracer lights. For the Tsiolkovsky corridor sets, they moved the tracers to the juncture between the center and top wall panels.

Dark Overlord December 18th, 2002 09:38 AM

very nice.....

mercutiojb December 18th, 2002 08:28 PM

Sounds like my roomie has the DS9 pilot on tape. VHS vidcaps suck, but I'll have them ASAP.

Dark Overlord December 18th, 2002 09:43 PM

just a wee problem with that second picture though........

it is a corner shot, there is a door on the wall AT the corner.

Where does the door go to when it opens, out into the hall? :)

Zanith December 18th, 2002 09:57 PM

Hrm - Not really my taste. Nice work, though!

seanr December 19th, 2002 06:26 AM

DO, yeah, someone mentioned that on SFM, and we've been having a good deal of fun with that. I'm arguing that it's a perfectly canon arrangement, given this shot of Voyager's sickbay:



Sho December 19th, 2002 12:26 PM


Originally posted by seanr
FCapt-SirJohn, if Sho doesn't mind, what I could do for you would be a redress of this set.
Oh, I don't mind. :)

seanr December 24th, 2002 07:46 AM

Merry Christmas!!!





cardinalbiggles December 24th, 2002 08:09 AM

Nice updates, Sean... you've given these corridors a good sense of depth, i.e., it seems like they go on forever, and there's always a new corner to turn.

You didn't happen to make a map of it, y'know, to shatter the illusion? :D

Oh, and Merry Christmas to you, too! :)

seanr December 24th, 2002 08:26 AM

Absolutley! :D


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