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-   -   Request: Babylon 5 Station Mesh (https://www.3dgladiators.net/forums/showthread.php?t=23348)

tnpir4001 January 8th, 2011 04:16 PM

Request: Babylon 5 Station Mesh
Hi guys,

I've been all over the 'net and I can't find a single Babylon 5 station mesh! All the main sites have are the various ships and shuttles and so forth. Scifi3D has the hypothetical Babylon 6 station, but I wanted to ask if anyone has or knows where I could get my hands on one?


gmd3d January 9th, 2011 09:22 AM

Re: Request: Babylon 5 Station Mesh
ofhand no sorry.... there where a few sites that had one a few years ago.
but most are now gone I will keep looking

Jedman67 January 9th, 2011 03:38 PM

Re: Request: Babylon 5 Station Mesh
watcha need a B5 for? Someone on SFM has one perpetually under construction, might be willing to share

Darrell Lawrence January 10th, 2011 12:30 PM

Re: Request: Babylon 5 Station Mesh
See the Downloads.

gmd3d January 10th, 2011 12:35 PM

Re: Request: Babylon 5 Station Mesh

tnpir4001 January 10th, 2011 06:04 PM

Re: Request: Babylon 5 Station Mesh
@Jedman: you wouldn't believe me if I told you :) All I can say is that it's for Star Trek: Retribution.

@Warrior: have I told you lately that you are AWESOME! By the way, sir, you got credited multiple times for my last fan film, Star Trek: Specter. Your STFC and TWOK uniforms played some big parts.

Darrell Lawrence January 10th, 2011 09:29 PM

Re: Request: Babylon 5 Station Mesh
Vid link?

tnpir4001 January 11th, 2011 06:20 AM

Re: Request: Babylon 5 Station Mesh
@Warrior: part 1 of the Director's Edition on YouTube is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZ11J84bO_Q

There's a more recent cut in the works, the Ultimate Edition, the first hour of which is up on Vimeo, with more to follow: http://vimeo.com/18589875

gmd3d January 11th, 2011 06:58 AM

Re: Request: Babylon 5 Station Mesh
Seen this before and liked it..

big project

Darrell Lawrence January 11th, 2011 10:20 AM

Re: Request: Babylon 5 Station Mesh
Wow. Nice. I think that is the FIRST completed CGI fan project I have seen.

Good job.

Recommendations: Textures/facial morphs for the characters. Also hair, with trans maps on the hair.

Ship lights (running, saucer, etc) as well as glows when needed.

I think you get the idea LOL

But still... as big as this was, you guys did a great job!

I noticed Taranis in the credits too ;)

I'd recommend trying to find out the peoples real names to use in credits instead of internet handles. One never knows when a studio may be seeing this, and want to know who did what. They see an internet name, they may not follow up.

Had another friend accidentally get overlooked for something because of that very thing.

Jedman67 January 14th, 2011 09:17 AM

Re: Request: Babylon 5 Station Mesh

Originally Posted by Warrior (Post 263811)
But still... as big as this was, you guys did a great job!

Guys? lol, tnpir pretty much did the whole thing - 4 years of work. the rest of us were allowed to contribute in small ways ;)

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