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Rook3 February 16th, 2009 08:30 PM

Anyone still a S:AAB fan?
I'm rather suprised with the recent influx of fan films created in the last few years that there's never been a Space: Above and Beyond fanfilm made.

SAAB was Battlestar Galactica before the new BSG was itself. :)

evil_genius_180 February 16th, 2009 09:41 PM

Re: Anyone still a S:AAB fan?
It probably depends on how many Space Above & Beyond mega-fans have the funds to do their own fan films. Fan films are very time consuming and expensive. Plus, it's a matter of location. They'd have to find some other S:AAB mega-fans nearby or at least willing to travel so they can get together to work on the films. And I'm not sure S:AAB got the recognition that SW, ST and BSG get, I hardly remember it myself.

Rook3 February 16th, 2009 09:54 PM

Re: Anyone still a S:AAB fan?

...I hardly remember it myself.
Well, that's the benefit of DVD these days. :)

I agree about the location realities. I'm involved with a pretty good group of people. The problem is that we're spread out across the country (a couple countries actually...) and organizing anything is difficult at best.

In the summer of 2007 I ended up buying one of the hero SA-43 Hammerhead cockpits from a prop house in California. It's pretty sweet, but will take a fair amount of work to get it back to the condition it was in when the show ended.

I think the most difficult things about doing a SAAB fanfilm would be the space combat. Work with live people can be done, costumes and props can be made, but doing "decent" CG animation is really beyond my ability.

gmd3d February 17th, 2009 01:43 AM

Re: Anyone still a S:AAB fan?
I watch it and enjoyed it. but I would not be a major fan of it .. liked the designs of the ships and support craft .....

Fanfilm are difficult .. for the reasons already pointed out.. I have been involved with a BSG TOS film ... http://www.battlestarfanfilm.org/sit...tpage&Itemid=1

and its stalls because of real life .. most of the ship are there even the Galactica.. and my own Celestra.

good luck with it

Fretslayer February 17th, 2009 09:06 AM

Re: Anyone still a S:AAB fan?
I really enjoyed the way the series started off but near the end it began to feel as though it where a soap opera in space.

Plus I'm not a real big fan of... Oh the enemy space ships are life... but not as we know it Jim. Seems there were a lot of shows out at the same time that all had 'the living ship'.

Although I thought the 'tanks' were a reall cool thing as well as the cyborgs with the 'take a chance' virus running through 'em.

I'd say that all and all I'd still give the show a 6 out of 10.

Plus, it was cool to see a show that actually used manoeuvring thrusters to steer.

evil_genius_180 February 17th, 2009 09:10 AM

Re: Anyone still a S:AAB fan?

Originally Posted by Rook3 (Post 259888)
Well, that's the benefit of DVD these days. :)

I'm not buying something that I don't remember. And I'm certainly not getting the discs 1 at a time from Netflix (that's just asinine.) Plus, I don't think I really watched that much S:AAB because it wasn't doing much for me at the time. I don't actually like that much Sci-Fi, only certain stuff.

Rook3 February 25th, 2009 10:10 PM

Re: Anyone still a S:AAB fan?
You are of course welcome to your opinion. I can understand the not wanting to "take a chance" on a DVD set you might not remember. Best Buy seems to have it on sale from time to time for about $20 which is what I paid. I hadn't seen it in years before I bought it, and it really brought back a lot of good memories.

What's really funny is the fact my wife HATED it the first time she watched it. And then I got the DVDs and she got hooked. :)

It was a tich "soapy" at times, but what would it be without some sort of interpersonal drama? A collection of CG space combat shots.

If it were redone today with the upgrades in FX (both CG and practical) a good budget and with a network that doesn't kill new product like TCFox likes to, it might do well.

But then any fan of a given series would say the same about their favorite cancelled show. ;)

Tenement February 26th, 2009 02:18 AM

Re: Anyone still a S:AAB fan?
It wasn't a bad show but I always thought it was little bit soapy for my tastes. Good designs though. I kind of thought of it as a TV version of Wing Commander.

gmd3d February 26th, 2009 03:09 AM

Re: Anyone still a S:AAB fan?
I like designs as I have said .. I really remember the show as been very dark .
some episode where good.

Fretslayer February 26th, 2009 06:17 AM

Re: Anyone still a S:AAB fan?
Makes me wanna listen to Johnny Cash and eat pancakes.

Rook3 March 4th, 2009 12:18 PM

Re: Anyone still a S:AAB fan?

Originally Posted by Fretslayer (Post 260079)
Makes me wanna listen to Johnny Cash and eat pancakes.

Just make sure to stay away from any black holes... no matter how much of a "short cut" it may be. ;)

Kind of interesting, I was contected the other day by another owner of one of the hero hammerhead cockpits. Like mine, his is missing pieces. I have pics of some of the other cockpits in California and they're in... less than stellar condition. Guess that's what happens when they sit exposed to the elements for 10 years. :cry:


gmd3d March 4th, 2009 02:37 PM

Re: Anyone still a S:AAB fan?
Any chance of some pics of the cockpit ..

Rook3 March 5th, 2009 05:14 PM

Re: Anyone still a S:AAB fan?
I have a large thread posted over at the scifihero.net forums, but for those who don't like trying new things (;) ), here's a sampling...

After uncrating it... I'm the second doofus on the right side next to the cockpit
with the ever stylish kakhi cargo shorts. ;)




And one to show that the design/production guys have a sense of humor...



mikala March 19th, 2009 08:30 AM

Re: Anyone still a S:AAB fan?
Loved that show.
Especially the gambling cyborgs/robots. "Hello Harry. It seems we have a problem. Yeeeees? "
First thing I'd do with this beasty is get it on some heavy duty locking casters. Make moving it around a bit easier.

Rook3 March 19th, 2009 08:53 AM

Re: Anyone still a S:AAB fan?
I'm considering using a couple pool table moving carts. They're a 4 wheel low cart with rubber/carpet pads on top.
They can haul hundreds of lbs in weight each. Heck, you can move a full one piece slate bar size pool tabe using only one cart!

I think David Dukovney(sp)'s work as the pool playing Silicate was some of his best work. At least he didn't have to reach far as an actor. ;)

gmd3d March 19th, 2009 10:20 AM

Re: Anyone still a S:AAB fan?
I always liked this cockpit details .. thanks for posting .. :) if I ever creat a cockpit again I will use these as refs

Rook3 March 19th, 2009 05:43 PM

Re: Anyone still a S:AAB fan?
No problem! Glad to spread the gospel of S:AAB. :D

You said "again" though. Have you built a cockpit before? Flight sim or Mechwarrior perhaps?

gmd3d March 20th, 2009 02:24 AM

Re: Anyone still a S:AAB fan?
No :) the cockpit I made was for my Buck Rogers starfighters .. can been seen in the downloads area .. they are ok but I would like to redo them some day..

Rook3 March 20th, 2009 07:31 AM

Re: Anyone still a S:AAB fan?
Ah, gotcha. :D Care to make one for the Hammerhead fighter? I know somone who has some decent reference pics and can get more. ;)

Fretslayer April 15th, 2009 02:21 PM

Re: Anyone still a S:AAB fan?
Rook 3 - WOW!
Thanks for the cockpit images.

They're going to come in real handy, I'm sure.

kageryu April 16th, 2009 01:03 AM

Re: Anyone still a S:AAB fan?
I was pretty fond of Space:AAB. Still am. I didn't mind what everyone seems to refer to as "soapy" as it wasn't nearly as shallow or poorly written character stories as soaps are...and I grew up on a lot of anime, which gets into character drama a lot, even in the good sci-fi shooters. I was not at all happy with the last few episode leading up to the end though...and I did not like the way it ended at all. If it hadn't been on following football and unable to maintain a viewer base because of constant schedule changes, I thought the show would have gone much farther. In some respects it reminded me of BSG, and in others Full Metal Jacket. I never liked the capital ships for either side, but the fighters were sweet.

wrenchman January 12th, 2011 10:30 PM

Re: Anyone still a S:AAB fan?
I really liked this show and really loved the Hammerhead design. Thanks so much for the cockpit pictures. finding pictures like this from the original show props are so hard to come by. This really is invaluable reference material for us modelers.


motleyjust January 17th, 2011 08:30 PM

Re: Anyone still a S:AAB fan?
Never heard of it, but I checked Netflix has it on disc, but not on Instant.

gmd3d January 18th, 2011 01:16 AM

Re: Anyone still a S:AAB fan?

Originally Posted by motleyjust (Post 264022)
Never heard of it, but I checked Netflix has it on disc, but not on Instant.

welcome motleyjust
Space: Above and Beyond has a short run on TV ... biggest problem most had when viewing it.. was too dark ... lighting wise. but like firefly was cut short just as the characters started to really come together

Auditor June 15th, 2011 01:31 PM

Re: Anyone still a S:AAB fan?
I loved SAAB. As I said in the other thread so glad when it came out on DVD. Sucks it was cancelled so early.

OMG wish I had that cockpit.

I have a nice article in a old model building magazine I think it is. Back from when the show was on. Might even be two parts. I'll have to scan it to a pdf file and post it. If that's ok. Talks about the physical and cg models and stuff.

Rhonen February 24th, 2012 12:02 PM

Re: Anyone still a S:AAB fan?
i know it's older, but i like S:AAB. Commodore Ross is my favorite. Rules when they should be but otherwise very human.

I am happy to have that DVDs :)

gmd3d February 25th, 2012 02:39 AM

Re: Anyone still a S:AAB fan?

Originally Posted by Auditor (Post 265774)
I have a nice article in a old model building magazine I think it is. Back from when the show was on. Might even be two parts. I'll have to scan it to a pdf file and post it. If that's ok. Talks about the physical and cg models and stuff.

I think its OK if its only the modeling part and not the whole mag.. a blog can host the PDF as I found out.... the Image attachment feature here is still on the frits.

Auditor February 25th, 2012 03:36 AM

Re: Anyone still a S:AAB fan?

I think its OK if its only the modeling part and not the whole mag.. a blog can host the PDF as I found out.... the Image attachment feature here is still on the frits.
Thanks for the reply on that. When Rhonen's post in this thread made me see my old post and I was thinking I never got a reply on that. I'll have to post it on my blog then.

gmd3d February 25th, 2012 04:08 AM

Re: Anyone still a S:AAB fan?

Originally Posted by Auditor (Post 267076)
Thanks for the reply on that. When Rhonen's post in this thread made me see my old post and I was thinking I never got a reply on that. I'll have to post it on my blog then.

Sorry about that, I donĀ“t know how I missed it. I read all the posts (not hard as were not very busy) but I hope that will change this year...

Rhonen February 25th, 2012 07:56 AM

Re: Anyone still a S:AAB fan?
If you will haved post it, please link it. Sounds interesting. ;)

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