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Darrell Lawrence December 5th, 2007 05:52 PM

Ep 1-06 Safe
When Simon, Serenity's medic, is kidnapped by a group of villagers in need of a doctor, Serenity is forced to make contact with an Alliance ship in order to seek medical help for the critically wounded Shepherd Book. When they accept based on the Book's Ident Card, it conjures speculation as to the Shepherd's past and true identity.

evil_genius_180 December 7th, 2007 09:50 AM

This one continued a plot line that was started in "The Train Job" with a remark by Book that I would've loved to have seen throught, but the darn show got cancelled before it did. And that is: exactly who is Book? Not everyone gets the kind of VIP treatment from the Alliance that he gets in this one. And, once more, we get to see the heroic side of Captain Mal, who leaves no man behind. Another one of my favorite episodes. :D

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