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evil_genius_180 December 10th, 2008 08:25 PM

Has anybody else seen a preview for this movie?



I got The Dark Knight on DVD on Tuesday and I saw this preview and I thought it looked pretty friggin' cool. So, I pulled out my big book on DC comics history and found out that this was a comic mini-series in '86. Anywho, with all the comic movies out there, I think this one is worth watching. Sometimes, IMO, the more obscure comics make for better movies because they don't have as much history to live up to as something like Batman, Superman, Spider-man, X-men, etc.

Lee December 10th, 2008 10:38 PM

Re: Watchmen
Hmm... Looks interesting....

evil_genius_180 December 10th, 2008 11:10 PM

Re: Watchmen
That's what I was thinking. Apparently, it's one of those alternate universe things. (even more alternate than most comics) Plus, it's by the guy that directed 300 and I think that's a good flick.

Thomas P December 11th, 2008 08:06 AM

Re: Watchmen
<Sarcastic mode>You live under a rock?</Sarcastic mode>

Watchmen is / was one of the greatest graphic novels ever written, truly. It has actually been named by various literary critics as one of the best American novels of all time. Of course it, to be fair to you young whipper-snappers, it was written in 1986. I had the original published series and recall being able to sell it at a tidy profit about 5 years ago.

The film is supposed to be very close to the novel / comic. Hope so because it was amazing. The trailer(s) have been out for months now and has been one of the most viewed on Apples trailer site for some time.

Yes, it is an alternate universe story.

Check out the site watchmenmovie

evil_genius_180 December 11th, 2008 09:11 AM

Re: Watchmen

Originally Posted by Thomas P (Post 258962)
<Sarcastic mode>You live under a rock?</Sarcastic mode>

Watchmen is / was one of the greatest graphic novels ever written, truly. It has actually been named by various literary critics as one of the best American novels of all time. Of course it, to be fair to you young whipper-snappers, it was written in 1986. I had the original published series and recall being able to sell it at a tidy profit about 5 years ago.

The film is supposed to be very close to the novel / comic. Hope so because it was amazing. The trailer(s) have been out for months now and has been one of the most viewed on Apples trailer site for some time.

Yes, it is an alternate universe story.

Check out the site watchmenmovie

1: No, I don't read a lot of comics, as I've mentioned in at least one other thread here.

2: There haven't been that many movies worth watching this year, so I haven't seen the preview before now and I try to have as little to do with Apple as possible, including going to their website. Besides, as I've repeatedly mentioned, I have dialup internet, so I try to avoid watching previews on the internet because of the download time.

3: Just because you've heard of something doesn't everyone has and it doesn't mean you have to go all in sarcastic mode over someone else not knowing about it. I'm sure there are plenty of things I've heard of that I could do that about when people don't know them but I don't do that.

Kai December 11th, 2008 11:38 AM

Re: Watchmen
http://io9.com/search/watchmen/bydate/?timerange=all lots of lovely Watchmen information...

Thomas P December 11th, 2008 12:40 PM

Re: Watchmen

Originally Posted by evil_genius_180 (Post 258965)
1: No, I don't read a lot of comics, as I've mentioned in at least one other thread here.

2: There haven't been that many movies worth watching this year, so I haven't seen the preview before now and I try to have as little to do with Apple as possible, including going to their website. Besides, as I've repeatedly mentioned, I have dialup internet, so I try to avoid watching previews on the internet because of the download time.

3: Just because you've heard of something doesn't everyone has and it doesn't mean you have to go all in sarcastic mode over someone else not knowing about it. I'm sure there are plenty of things I've heard of that I could do that about when people don't know them but I don't do that.

Obviously I should have used a different mode than sarcastic :D

Did not mean to strike a nerve. I just found it humorous to see this thread as, in certain circles, Watchmen is getting as much if not way more attention than J. J.'s Star Trek. Of course, it helps if you are an older fart like me that was into that stuff way back then.

If I offended - very sorry.

Darrell Lawrence December 11th, 2008 04:15 PM

Re: Watchmen

Originally Posted by Thomas P (Post 258962)
<Sarcastic mode>You live under a rock?</Sarcastic mode>

Watchmen is / was one of the greatest graphic novels ever written, truly. It has actually been named by various literary critics as one of the best American novels of all time. Of course it, to be fair to you young whipper-snappers, it was written in 1986. I had the original published series and recall being able to sell it at a tidy profit about 5 years ago.

The film is supposed to be very close to the novel / comic. Hope so because it was amazing. The trailer(s) have been out for months now and has been one of the most viewed on Apples trailer site for some time.

Yes, it is an alternate universe story.

Check out the site watchmenmovie

I'll second what he said, especially the bolded part :D

Seriously though... if you can find the graphic novel or reprints anywhere, snag 'em. This truly was... no... IS one of the best ever comic stories.

evil_genius_180 December 11th, 2008 08:17 PM

Re: Watchmen
Yeah, sorry, I just have a little pet peeve about people who seem to think that just because they've heard of something or like it that everybody has and does. It brings back some not-so-fond memories of a jackass squad leader I had in the Army who thought it was blasphemy when people didn't like what he did. (he thinks Freddy Got Fingered is the best movie ever made, just so we have a frame of reference.) I try to avoid making assumptions like that myself, especially given some of the obscure crap that I like. ;)

And, in my own defense, you guys have to admit that Watchmen wasn't exactly a huge series, it was only a few-part mini-series that came out in 1986. (I was 7 years old in 1986)

I've probably seen it when I was looking at graphic novels but ignored it because it wasn't something familiar to me but I'll definitely pick it up next time I'm at a bookstore. I'm sure with the movie coming out there will be new reprints hitting the shelves soon, if they're not there already.

evil_genius_180 February 21st, 2009 06:57 PM

Re: Watchmen
If anybody is looking to buy the graphic novel, Amazon has it for $10.99 with free shipping (you have to spend $25 to get the free shipping.) That's a lot better than most of the bookstores, which are selling it at the list price ($19.99.) I ordered my copy earlier. :D

Watchmen Graphic Novel

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