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Starship May 20th, 2011 10:28 AM

Old times and meshes
Last night I was browsing my old files, meshes, etc, when found a reference about an old page that contained Star Trek TOS meshes. If my memory serves, this page was named subspace (or something like this) and had a link showed at 3dgladiators main page. I´m confused :nuts:, or it was true? If so, where can I find that page and/or meshes now? :D

Darrell Lawrence May 20th, 2011 02:17 PM

Re: Old times and meshes
3D Gladiators use to have sections within the Forums. We had Subspace Relay (for Trek), Colonial Fleets (for BSG) and Agoraphobia (for the socially impaired :lol:) At the time, 3D Gladiators had grown so huge that we branched those three off.

Subspace Relay became just Subspace, under the helm of Dennis Bailey. Colonial Fleets became... well... Colonial Fleets, under the helm (at that time) Titon. Agoraphobia launched on its own under the helm of another member whose name escapes me at the moment.

Over the years, those sites grew on their own, and developed into their own entities. Where Agora and Subspace are now, I can't tell ya. CF is still there.

This was perhaps my biggest mistake... letting those launch on their own. CF, yes. But the other two I should have kept right here.

*kicks self*

The members that were here at that time posted in their favorite areas, and when they launched on their own, they went with them, leaving 3D Gladiators a wasteland for quite a while, and it still hasn't fully recovered.

Now... within the Subspace thing were sub-groups for modeling different eras of Trek. The TOS thing you mention is still here, albeit in "archive" form- http://www.3dgladiators.net/tos/

evil_genius_180 May 21st, 2011 07:17 AM

Re: Old times and meshes
I remember the old 3DG, that was back before I joined. Man, it was huge. Too bad about the other two, I know CF has prospered on its own. But there was no way you could have known it would have been that way.

Jedman67 May 21st, 2011 07:11 PM

Re: Old times and meshes
i miss the "old" 3dg - i was gone for a couple years, just busy with life. It seems, that cgtalk is the only site out there thats still huge - even scifi-meshes has lost a lot of active posters

Starship May 22nd, 2011 07:03 AM

Re: Old times and meshes
Thank you Warrior! Yes, the TOS page is the one that I was talking about. :)
In these days, you can find Dennis at TrekBBS forums, but I believe that Subspace Relay don´t exists anymore. ;) Therefore, Subspace comms is out there: http://www.subspace-comms.net/
Yeah, i remember the old times, when 3dg was the main site all around... I still have a lot of renderings and meshes from that age saved in my hd. Good times!

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