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-   -   Social Media Enough! stop lurking and start posting (https://www.3dgladiators.net/forums/showthread.php?t=23946)

gmd3d November 29th, 2020 05:18 AM

Social Media Enough! stop lurking and start posting
It would be great to see forums like 3DG to become more active, I remember before Facebook and other social media sites gaining popularity how busy and active "we" were, helping each other to learn how to model, rendering scenes, lighting all that good stuff, basically bouncing ideas around and generally more creative.

Great art is easier to find on a forum, tutorials also easy to locate, but the problem is some forums are now gone, really great creative people gone, lost in a like on Social Media.

conversation lost behind a like or a hate button,

Is there anyone else feeling the same way.

I notice I am not as communicative as I once was,

I would like to start sharing models I have worked on over the last few years.
back where things were when I first started CGI.

Let's be a community again. come on post designs, post art and comment give encouragement, support, advice.

ulimann644 December 3rd, 2020 02:55 AM

Re: Social Media Enough! stop lurking and start posting
You are right.
It has become more comfortable for many people just to push a "LIKE-Button" (or worst, a "HATE-Button").

But I see another trend:
Interests changes. I´ve started with story-writing as my fav hobby. Later I´ve made some PS-Pics for the Characters and also ship-models, that I´ve posted also here. In the last three years I switched back to story-writing - 90% of my free time. So I´ve started to write many more WIKI-Articles and less posts in forums, as 10 years ago.

gmd3d December 4th, 2020 05:10 AM

Re: Social Media Enough! stop lurking and start posting

Originally Posted by ulimann644 (Post 270137)
You are right.
It has become more comfortable for many people just to push a "LIKE-Button" (or worst, a "HATE-Button").

But I see another trend:
Interests changes. I´ve started with story-writing as my fav hobby. Later I´ve made some PS-Pics for the Characters and also ship-models, that I´ve posted also here. In the last three years I switched back to story-writing - 90% of my free time. So I´ve started to write many more WIKI-Articles and less posts in forums, as 10 years ago.

Thats cool. writing is a great creative endeavour.

Social media is so toxic its just not good for the creative side anymore.

I like to start painting in the new year. oil or watercolour not sure. starting watching Bob Ross (never see his work before) heard the name but never the man. it appeals to me, my father was an Oil painter when he retired

ulimann644 December 6th, 2020 02:26 AM

Re: Social Media Enough! stop lurking and start posting
I like Bob Ross much. His show is in Germany also now in TV. I´ve just watched one episode last week.

I´ve never tried to paint in oil - but with pencil, when I was younger. I plan to start with painting some portraits for my Fan-Fiction-Charakters next year.

The wonderful thing, when I´m writing is: I´m totally by myself. Totally relaxed and peaceful. No matter, what was happend before. (Also, when I´m writing a space-battle-scene...:D)

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